Name: J. Nicholas Lewis

Location: Washington State

Political Preference: Green-Libertarian

Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Occuptation: Retail, College Student majoring in English & Fine Arts, aspiring writer, musician, and filmmaker

Marital/Dating Status: No comment

LIKES: Hispanic/Latin Women (I LOVE Spanish-speaking chics), Mexican Food, Margaritas, Watching and critiquing movies, Video games, The Occult, Greco-Roman civilization, Mythology (Mostly Greco-Roman, Sumerian, and Norse), Vikings, Ancient History, Astronomy, Werewolf&Vampire Folklore, Wolves, Roleplaying (Vampire: The Masquerade and Werewolf: The Apocalypse), Horror Movies, Filmmaking, Writing (Fiction and Screenplays), Playing Guitar & Keyboard/Synthesizer, Plotting debauchery, Sticking vociferous children into meat grinders, Punting babies and poodles like footballs off monolithic structures, Drop-kicking the elderly into oncoming traffic, Bludgeoning disabled people with canes and other blunt objects, Hell... just being an all around mean, crude, and facetious person in general!

DISLIKES: The NOW (National Organization of Wenches), Prudes, Mullets, Thieves, Marilyn Manson (though I dislike the majority of his fans more than I do him), Nascar (oh look at the little cars swerving incessantly around a track--how fucking exciting... pssshhh... anyone who's a nascar fan deserves a good drubbing), Thick English Accents, MTV, religious fanatics, religious involvement in state affairs, Anime(why watch a video game when you can simply play one because frankly that's what Anime is to me. It's like watching someone play a video game with a bunch of flamboyant characters that cast flashy spells and engage in cheesy, horribly dubbed dialogue... I HATE anime), Hot Weather, Hats, Sandles/Flip-Flops, Volks Wagons, Cockroaches, Shirley Temple, Summer, The Gap, Loud/Whiney Children, Babies, Small vociferous dogs that everyone thinks are cute(I especially cannot stand Poodles and Chihuahuas), Reality shows, the weak-minded, Racism, Jenny Jones and her ridiculous make over obsession (I'm glad the bitch was cancelled), etc.

Musical Instruments I play: Guitar, Bass, Synthesizer/Keyboard, etc.

Favorite Season: Winter

Favorite Animal: Wolf

Favorite Food: Anything Mexican or Italian

Musical Interests: Black Metal, Industrial, Gothic/Darkwave, Movie Soundtracks, Celtic/Old Folk, Opera, Symphonic/Classical, Acid Jazz, some Death Metal, some J-Rock, etc.

Music I cannot stand: Rap, Emo, Country, Bluegrass, Marilyn Manson, the vast majority of mainstream Rock/Metal, Patriotic Music, and most of all... CHRISTMAS MUSIC!

Favorite Bands:Siebenburgen, Seth, Emperor, Gothica(the Swedish opera group), Enthral, Graveland, Thyrane, Ancient Ceremony, Limbonic Art, My Dying Bride, Burzum, Thy Infernal, Thyrfing, Dissection, Black Funeral, Dark Funeral, Howling Syn, Shape of Despair, Morwinyon, Alsvartr, Gehenna, Hecate Enthroned, (old)Dimmu Borgir, Satyricon, Moonspell, The 69 Eyes, Enslaved, Mayhem, Forgotten Woods, Darkthrone, Enthroned, Samael,Immortal, Kvist, Cryptopsy, Suffocation, (old)Morbid Angel, (old)Deicide, (old)Kovenant, (old)Cannibal Corpse, Lake of Tears, Opera IX, Septic Flesh, Chiasm, Mystic Circle, Anathema, Carpathian Forest, Death in June, Collide, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus, Ravenous, The Crux Shadows, Covenant, Type O Negative, etc.

Favorite PC/Video games: Phantasmagoria, Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh, Doom 1&2, Quake, Dead or Alive 3, Mortal Kombat II, Vampire Bloodlines, Bloodrayne, Halo, Diablo, Warcraft, Shadow Caster, Wolfenstien, Soul Caliber, Silent Hill II, Max Payne, Arcanum, American Mcgee's ALICE, Blood, Unreal, Half Life, Hexen II, Gabrielle Knight: The Beast Within, Rise of the Dragon, etc.

Favorite Movies:I live and breath movies. I enjoy watching movies as much as I enjoy making them. Types of movies I like to watch are historical epics, fantasy, dark comedy, war movies, low budget/old-school horror movies, anything by Tim Burton or Quentin Tarantino, and foreign films (mostly Japanese/Korean horror and Spanish movies). Some of my favorite movies are Gladiator, Spartacus, Braveheart, Augustus, Caligula, The Last Samurai, Ben Hur, Jason and the Argonauts, Clash of the Titans, A Knight's Tale, Conan: The Barbarian, Conan: The Destroyer, Elizabeth, Queen Margot, Luther, Legend, Dragon Heart, Willow, Lord of the Rings, Excalibur, Dragon Slayer, George A. Romero's Dawn of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Candy Man, Hell Raiser, Return of the Living Dead 3, The Killer Tongue, Vampire Journals, The Omen, Creepshow, The Exorcist, The Howling (the only good werewolf movie in existance), Vampyres, Evil Dead, Bad Taste, Dead Alive, Santa Sangre, Sex and Lucia, The 3 Marias, Sangre Eterna, Maria: Full of Grace, Talk to Her, Kill Me Tender, Killing Words, All about my Mother, The Suicide Club, Audition, Uzumaki, The Eye, Face, Stacy, Nightmare, Memento Mori, Phone, Tale of the Two Sisters, A Snake of June, Ju-On (the real Grudge--not that Sarah Michelle Gellar abomination), The Crow, Full Metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now, Enemy at the Gates, Schindler's list, El Mariachi, Sin City, True Romance, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill Vol. 1, Casino, Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, Elvira: Mistress of the Dark, Edward Scissor Hands, Beetle Juice, Batman, The Nightmare Before Christimas, Corpse Bride, Equilibrium, Terminator 1&2, The Fifth Element, Star Wars (Empire Strikes Back), Pitch Black, Face Off, Spanglish, People vs. Larry Flynt, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, etc.

Favorite Books: 120 Days of Sodom (Marquis De Sade), Dante's Divine Comedy (Dante Alighieri), The Symposium (Plato), Diary of a Drug Fiend (Aleister Crowley), The Iliad (Homer), The Odyssey (Homer), The Aeneid (Virgil), Metamorphoses (Ovid), Jason and the Golden Fleece (Apollonius), The Golden Ass (Apuleius), Ancient Greece (Thomas R. Martin), The Blood Countess (Andrei Codrescu), The Satanic Bible (Anton Lavey), Elizabeth and Mary (Jane Dunn), Eternal Hearts (Lucy Taylor), The Best of H.P. Lovecraft, Raising Hell (Robert Masello), Fallen Angels... and Spirits of the Dark (Robert Masello), The Norse Myths (Kevin Crossley-Holland), Don Quixote (Cervantes), Lord of the Rings (J.R. Tolkien), The Twelve Caesars (Suetonius), The Agricola and The Germania (Tacitus), Astrologically Incorrect (Terry Marlowe) etc.

Favorite Authors/Writers: Dante Alighieri, Homer, Virgil, Plato, Moliere, William Shakespeare, Euripedes, Ovid, Sophocles, Marquis De Sade, H.P. Lovecraft, (old)Stephen King, Aleister Crowley, some Anne Rice, Robert Masello, Edith Hamilton, Anton Lavey, Edgar Allan Poe, Andrei Codrescu, Lucy Taylor, Edred Thorsson, Cervantes, J.R Tolkien, etc.

Favorite Actors: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robert De Niro, Bruce Cambell, James Earl Jones, R. Lee Ermey, Robert Englund, etc.

Favorite Actresses: Cassandra Peterson(aka ELVIRA) Melinda(aka Mindy) Clarke, Angelina Jolie (though lets pretend that Tomb Raider and the atrocity that was Alexander never existed), Lucy Lawless, etc.

Favorite Directors: Ted Nicholau, George A. Romero, James Cameron, Peter Jackson, Brian Yuzna, Quentin Tarantino, Sam Reimi, Pedro Almodovar, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Robert Rodriguez, etc.

Favorite Composers: Hans Zimmer, Clint Mansell, James Horner, David Arnold, Graeme Revell, Howard Shore, John Williams, Eric Serra, Danny Elfman, Bobby Prince (he did the music for the old-school Doom games), etc.

Favorite Artists: Brom, Boris Vallejo, Olivia, Sandro Botticelli, Gustave Dore, Michelangelo, etc.

Shows I actually bother to watch: Xena: Warrior Princess, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, Tales from the Crypt, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Mail Call, and that's about it.