By J. Nicholas Lewis

Valentine's Day, the cornerstone of any lover’s holiday—if you ask me, I find it be the most pointless day out of the year. It’s a cold day in hell when one day out of the year is dedicated to lovers. I mean, honestly, what makes Valentine's Day so special? A man (I’m not going to be politically correct by saying man or woman in this case because let’s face it Valentine’s Day is predominately for women. You have to be a pretty pussy-whipped guy to enjoy such an atrocity) can buy roses, a box of chocolates, a really lame romantic dinner for his lover any other day of the year. Why does a day have to be dedicated to that?

Moreover, Valentine's Day is an excuse for people to spend a lot of money—a way to make corporate America richer. It just comes to show that if you slap on a fancy name to a certain day, people go nuts and engage in shopping frenzies. I’ve had my fair share of retail experience so I know what it’s like around Valentines Day and I tell you, it’s an absolute hell house. I swear holidays have this way of making people feel obligated to spend an excess of money even if there really is no purpose to the particular holiday. Instead of doing what’s expected on Valentines Day, why not do the complete opposite?

Don’t buy anything for your lover. If she’s expecting you to buy something for her because it’s Valentines Day and throws a fit when she comes to the realization that you’ve bought nothing for her, you need to drop kick her materialistic ass to the curb. Don’t bother with romantic dinners and sweet-talking; cut to the chase and get with the fornicating! Nothing shows your affection more than alcohol and a good old-fashion fuck session in praise of Dionysus, the God of wine and ill-behavior. By doing either of these, I think one will establish the quality of their relationship much better than if they were throw their money away on luxury and waste their breath with inane “I love you” talk. After all, true love is not expressed by what you buy, but rather by how much of an asshole you can be.


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