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Salvador Felipe Jacinto Dali (1904 - 1989)

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The Image Disappears, 1938

Salvador Dali:

  1. Biography
  2. Works:
    - Paintings
    - Drawings
    - Other works
  3. Pictures

Related links:

Some of my friends:

Hi! sorry everybody. Lately with school and all I don't have so much time to work on my page. I'll make an effort and I'll update it every time I can. Thank you all for visiting; I hope you come back soon...! 10/1/1999
Hello again! like the new look around here?... I do. I made a few changes around and there are more coming soon. Hope you like them and if you haven't been here before then welcome for the first time. Thanks for visiting and keep coming back :o) 06.01.2001
So cute!

Comments?...Questions?...What you feel like saying?...Throw me a line!
Also...I like all kinds of suggestions.

E-mail me!

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since November 1998 (thank you all!)

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