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Sam Pai Kenpo Techniques
for Greenbelt

1. Locked Wing - Rear Arm Lock
2. Twisted Twig - Wrist Lock - Click here to see Twisted Twig
3. Clutching Feathers - Left Hair Grab - Click here to see Clutching Feathers
4. Glancing Salute - Right Push to Right Shoulder
5. Thrusting Twig - Left to Left Wrist Grab
6. Twirling Wings - Right Clothing Grab from Behind
7. Reverse Chopping Mace - 2 Hand Front Choke
8. Gift of Destruction - Unfriendly Handshake
9. Obscure Sword - Left Hand Grabs Right Shoulder from Behind
10. Scraping Hoof - Full Nelson
11. Crossing Talon - Right to Right Wrist Grab
12. Snapping Twig - Left Lapel Grab
13. Repeating Mace - Left push to Left Shoulder
14. Spiraling Twig - Rear Bearhug (Arms free)
15. Unfolding Locked Wing - Rear Armlock
16. Thrusting Wedge - 2 Hand Front Push
17. Claw & Mace - Front Bearhug (Arms free)
18. Begging Palms - 2 Hand Wrist Grab (front)
19. Inverted Claw - Rear bearhug (arms pinned)
20. Bow of Compulsion - Right Hand Pinned to Opponent's Chest
21. Clipping the Storm - Club Thrust (#5 Strike) - Click here to see Clipping the Storm
22. Dance of Death - Right Punch
23. Intercepting the Ram - Front Tackle
24. Trapped Wing - Rear Armlock - Click here to see Trapped Wing
25. Leaping Crane - Right Punch
26. Flight to Freedom
27. Destructive Twins - Front Choke
28. Obscure Claws - Left hand Grabs Right Shoulder (rear)
29. Marriage of the Rams - 2 Man, Front & Behind (Arms Pinned)
30. Entwined Lance - Knife Thrust (#6 Strike)
31. Dominating Circles - Right Hand Grabs Left Shoulder (front)
32. Falling Falcon - Right Lapel Grab
33. Reprimanding the Bears - 2 Man Front & Behind
34. Snakes of Wisdom - 2 Man @ Sides (wrist & shoulder brab)
35. Raining Lance - Overhead Knife (#12 Strike)
36. Grasping Eagles - 2 Man Front & Behind (Arms free)
37. Reversing Sword - Right Punch
38. Raising Twin Kimono - 2 Hand Lapel Grab
39. Release of Death - 2 Hand Front Choke
40. Devious Branch - Freestyle (right to right)
41. Rising Twig - Right to Right Wrist Grab
42. Crossing Talon Extended - Right to Right Wrist Grab
43. Oval Wing - 2 Hand Choke (Right Side)
44. Flying Wings of Silk - Double Armbar
45. Enclosed Wing - Right Lapel Grab
46. Fatal Cross - 2 Hand Front Push



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