White Belt Techniques
What follows are brief notes on the mechanics of each technique. These are by no means intended as an instructional manual, but rather as a suppliment for someone who is already familiar with the Sam Pai Kenpo techniques.
Striking Serpent's Head- Attempted front bearhug (arms free)
- Step right foot back out of range, n/b, right hand chambers high chest as left hand delivers inverted vertical back knuckle to back of head
- Left hand head checks forhead, F/b, right hand delivers half-fist to throat
- Check and cross-out
Double Branch - Two hand front push
- Step right foot back, left to cat, double outward parries
- Left front snap kick to groin or knee, plant forward
- Right front snap kick to groin or bladder, plant directly into cross-out
- Check and cross-out
Obscure Wing - Left hand grabs right shoulder from behind
- Step right foot to opponent, right back elbow and left poke over shoulder
- Drop right hand to hammerfist groin
- Right obscure elbow
- Cross-out
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