Sam~Pai Kenpo Techniques for White Belt
Below are the techniques for white to orange belt for DangeRuss Sampai Kenpo. By clicking on the individual techniques, you will get a rudimentary breakdown of the technique choreography. (This will soon be password protected !)
- Triggered Salute - Right push to left shoulder
- Lone Kimono - Left hand lapel grab
- Grip of Death - Side headlock
- Thrusting Leaves - Two hand front choke
- Crashing Wings -Rear bearhug (arms free)
- Evading the Storm - Overhead club
- Striking Serpent's Head - Front bearhug (arms free)
- Double Branch - Two hand front push
- Obscure Wing - Right rear shoulder grab
- Five Swords - Right Punch
- Reversing Mace - Left Punch
- Bending Twin Kimono - Two hand lapel grab
- Crushing Hammer - Rear bearhug (arms pinned)
- Falling Hammer - Right to right wrist grab
- Pinning Leaves - Two hand hair grab
- Locking Horns - Front headlock
- Circling Wings - Rear choke
- Thrusting Prongs - Front bearhug (arms pinned)
- Spinning Branch - (Freestyle Right to Right)
- Shielding Hammer Freestyle - (Right to Right)