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Bride of Chucky is now available to rent or BUY on DVD, I suggest you go out and purchase or steal it from your local dealer..

Bride of Chucky

On video NOW!

CHILD'S PLAY: The one that started it all. This movie came out in 1988 and was a surprise box office hit. The story of serial killer Charles "Chucky" Lee Ray's transference of his soul into a Good Guy doll, and his struggle to then repossess a child's body. 6 year-old Andy Barclay is the first person to learn of Chucky's secret, therefore Chucky can only transfer his soul back into Andy's body before he becomes trapped in the doll forever. Andy's mom finds out the truth to the doll, as well as a police officer, and become another of Chucky's targets. The final battle takes place in the Barclay's apartment, and is quite impressive. This movie was actually a bit scary, and opened the doors to the three sequels we now have today.

CHILD'S PLAY 2: This one came out in 1990, and involves Chucky's rebirth in the toy factory that made the doll. The toy factory receives the doll from the first film, and rebuilds it to see if there was some faulty wiring or tampering with the voice box to make Chucky seem "alive". Chucky is then brought back to life, with a new body, and hunts down young Andy who is now in the care of foster parents. The final battle is very entertaining in this one, and once again the possiblity of another sequel is inevitable. Overall, this was a very good sequel to the original movie.

CHILD'S PLAY 3: This rather lame film is the last one in the series to feature Andy Barclay. This time it is 8 years since part 2 and the toy factory decides that it is time once again to start the production line of the Good Guy doll back up, because the past is supposedly far behind them. Chucky's blood contaminates the melted plastic (you have to see how stupid it is) and a new doll is the first one off the line. Chucky then learns that Andy is in a military academy, and tracks him down. But now, he is after a young kid named Tyler because Tyler is the first person he reveals his identity to with his new body. Andy tries to protect Tylerr, and the final battle takes place at a carnival roller coaster ride. Chucky gets chopped up, and the movie ends. This movie came out a year after part 2, and it was obviously not thought out too well. It is by far the worst of the four films, although it does have a few one liners and a bit of violence that makes it watchable, but not too enjoyable.

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