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The following items are available to download, each one has been selected as "the highest quality" of themes for that subject. What I mean is, they are the best you can find on the Internet so far. Make sure to tell the creator what you think of them. Special thanks goes to Victor Moberger for telling me of their existence.
Alien Download
Aliens Download
Army of Darkness Download
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) Download
Dawn of the Dead Download
Dead-Alive (Braindead) Download
Event Horizon (High Res) Download
Event Horizon (Med Res) Download
Event Horizon (Low Res) Download
Evil Dead Trilogy Download
Evil Dead Trilogy #2 Download
The Exorcist Download
Friday the 13th (All films) Download
Godzilla (sweet) Download
Halloween Download
Halloween (Theme #2) Download
Halloween (Theme #3) Download
Halloween: H20 Download
Hellraiser Download
Hellraiser (Theme #2) Download
Hellraiser (Theme #3) Download
Horror Theme Download
Horror Theme #2 Download
Horror Theme #3 Download
Howling, The Download
I Know What You Did Last Summer Download
Jaws Download
Nightmare on Elm Street Download
Scream Download
Scream 2 Download
Se7en Download
Twilight Zone Download
Vampires Download
X-Files the movie Download
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