Glen Ey Aussies
Christmas Edition of Windermere, ASCA/AKC CD, HC, CGC (Major Pointed) - Andrew
Andrew was chosen for me by Judy Williams of Windermere Kennels. He was everything I had
hoped for, and more. He was out of Ch. Final Edition of Windermere, CD, ATDd, OTDs (Eddie) x Ch.
Christmas Wishes of Windermere, CD, OTDs, STDdc (Chrissy), and whelped Jan. 20, 1989. See his full pedigree and family pictures. He died from
Hemangiosarcoma on Nov. 5, 2000. He was a wonderful friend and companion. We will always miss you
Baby Pictures!
What a cute and sweet baby! Isn't that face adorable? The picture on the right is from when Andy was 4 weeks old. The one below is when he was about 3 1/3 months old. We were at a show in Rolla, MO with my good friend Janet Casmaer. She brought her Newf Merry along, to show in obedience, and took this great picture of us relaxing with our can of Diet Pepsi!
My Gorgeous Boy!
Andrew was about 1 1/2 years old when this wonderful head shot was taken.
He was used for stud 3 times. The first time to AA's Scotch
on th' Rocks, a Los Rocosa bred, red merle bitch. There were 3 pups - 1 blue
girl, sold to someone in Italy; a black tri boy sold to a boy in
Illinois; and a red merle boy sold to Regina Sherman of Illinois (U-CDX Cloud Nine's Red Hot Edition, CDX).
Regina has worked hard in obedience with Zinger, and he has his AKC and UKC CDX, and one leg
towards his AKC UD.
The second time Andrew was bred was to Kaye's Little Beajay, a blue merle
Los Rocosa bitch, owned by Bob and Joey Kaye. They had 9 puppies of all colors!
Andrew's last litter was out of Westridge Proposes a Promise, a pretty
red merle bitch owned by Paulette Gamroth. There were 6 puppies.
This is one of the best pictures I have of Andrew stacked. It actually
does him justice!
Andrew's AKC CD!
Andy had both an ASCA and AKC CD, and had a HIT for his
last ASCA leg, with a score of 195 1/2. The same weekend
he got this last leg for his AKC CD, Andrew also placed
First in the Miscellanous Group over many ASCA Ch. Aussies.
What a great weekend!
Andrew had 12 ASCA points. He had two 5 point majors, but
needed that one last major to finish. He was close!
Our Dogs at the Rainbow Bridge
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