Glen Ey Aussies - Everyday Dog Obedience Students

Glen Ey Aussies

Everyday Dog Obedience Training
~ Testimonials ~

Thank-you to all my students! I sure enjoy working with you!
It is a pleasure to see your dogs grow and learn.
~ Diana


We want to thank you for the amazing transformation with our dogs! When we received them from the breeder, out of state, Maureen was so people shy she wouldn't come near anyone and while Faye was more people friendly, she was still wary. Since the girls were already two years old and used as breeders, they didn't have the opportunity to interact with many people. They didn't really know how to act like dogs. We feel that we saved them from the breeder they were with, but there was something missing. This is where you entered our girls' lives!

Since they were so under socialized and people shy, we were afraid to take them to a large training facility with lots of dogs and people around possibly putting them further behind instead of helping. One-on-one seemed to be our best option. It was a Blessing that lead us to your website, we felt with your showing and training experience that you would be able to help us. We joked that anyone that could get three Australian Shepherds to sit still for a family photo had to know what they were doing!

Through your gentle, one-on-one training with our girls, they have blossomed into well behaved, more outgoing dogs! You were able to assess them quickly, knowing exactly what type of training would best help them. You taught us how to teach them the basics; sit, stay, down, heal, etc. In addition, you had us walk them over and through "scary" objects for them; pvc pipe, brooms, hula hoops, through tunnels. This may sound simple to someone else, but for our dogs it was very scary and lead to feet being planted and backing away from the objects. You knew they needed help with their self confidence and the changes in them have been a pleasure to watch! Every time we get their leashes, they think they are going to the car to go for training; they jump and run in circles! We could not have asked for a better teacher! You not only taught our dogs that life wasn't so scary, you taught us how to help them feel more relaxed and trusting of us and others. The "homework" you give is easy, it goes over exactly what the girls have learned during the lesson. It is such an important aspect of the training and only takes a few minutes a day. We quickly realized that by doing the homework not only did it reinforce the lessons, but it helped to form a bond between us and our girls!

We are so pleased with how far they have come in such a short period of time, we can't wait to see what more they can learn and achieve.....

Jim, Trish, Liz R.
Maureen and Faye (Woof!)

If you are a current or past student of Everyday Obedience,
I would love for you to send me your comments! Please Email Diana to send your testimonial!

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All pictures and content copyright © by Diana Hefti and others as given credit. Please ask permission before using.