Home & Garden!

Amazingly enough, we got our new couches! We had ordered them last Aug., and then right about the time they should have been done, we learned Krause's had gone bankrupt. Big time BUMMER! In Dec. we got a notice from them that we could MAYBE get our couches done still. In Feb. (in fact on the same day they started the deck project), I got a call saying they could do our couches. JOY! They were finally delivered today (May 21, 2002) - 9 months after we ordered them! And they are sure pretty! The larger one is a sleeper, and both are done in tapestry fabric. Here they are:

We had our deck redone (finally!). Below are pictures showing the finished product. I put the entire series of pictures showing the WHOLE process on a separate page. If you'd like to see the entire 21 days worth, check it out at: Deck Project. There are a LOT of pictures, so it takes quite a while to download. Please be patient! Thanks for looking!

Day 21 - Mar. 28, 2002

It's DONE! Hooray! John finished up the arbor, plus the shed steps and all the other little final touches. They DID have enought pickets to finish up the arbor completely! Then he hauled away several loads of the debris. Except for a bit of "sawdust" (plastic dust?), it's finally complete! I will take some pics soon (after we get the last bits cleaned up), so everyone can see the completed project as a whole. It turned out super nice! We really love our deck! :-)

Spring Flowers!

I must be wishing for spring, as I couldn't resist taking pics of the cute little crocus and mini-Jonquils that are up in our yard. These little guys are so bright and cheerful! We had a small bit of snow this morning, and they were so brave poking their heads above the snow. (Though these pics were taken the other day before the snow!)

One of My Clematis Plants

I just couldn't pass up taking a picture of this gorgeous clematis! I have three, and this one is growing over an old stump in the front. It's flowers are always smaller than my other ones, but it makes up for that in quantity! I think this is the most flowers it has ever had - and there are STILL many more buds. So pretty!

My New Clematis

In spring of 2005, I added a new white clematis to our front porch. I've had a purple one on the other side for many years. When I saw this one flowering last year, I had to add it, too! The pretty white flowers have a purple center, with green stripes on the petals! How interesting!

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