Diana's Art Gallery

Welcome to my art gallery! I hope you will enjoy my creations.


This is a portrait of Chewbacca, or Chewie for short, owned by Anna Matson. I wanted to make something special for Anna's birthday, so did this picture of Chewie. Isn't he a cute kitten? Here is a photo of Anna and Chewie - the one I used most for his face.

Anna and Chewie

I did the painting below for my Dad's 70th birthday - even though his birthday was in Dec. and he didn't get his picture until May! (Better late than never? Maybe . . .)

Spirit of St. Louis

Gladiolas and Petunias

Here are some flowers from our yard last year. I just loved the glads and couldn't wait to paint them.

I made the flowers below for Mom for Mother's Day! (At least THEY weren't as late as Dad's birthday picture!)


Golden Bells

I also like geraniums, so felt compelled to do the flowers below. This was my first attempt at watercolor.


Tina's Birthday Card

My friend Tina McDaniel has a wonderful sense of humor! She decided that she would have a birthday party for herself, but we had to follow a few rules - one of which was that we had to make her birthday card - no store-bought cards allowed! Above is the front of the card I made for her. Below is the inside of the card. It was lots of fun to do this!

Chris is getting into drawing, too. Below is a picture of his cousin Maddie that Chris drew.

Madelaine Kelly Pierce

Here is Chris' latest drawing - of the comic book character Maxx. He has rather large teeth . . . (I think this is one of the best things Chris has done!) Below that is the original comic book cover that Chris took his drawing from.


Maxx Comic Book Cover

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My Mike
Cute Chris
Diana and Larry
Art Gallery
Home & Garden
Maddie's Pad (My Niece)

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Glen Ey Aussies
Diana's Buttons