Diana and Larry

Larry and I have been married for over 20 (!!!) years. We met in the marching band in High School. We both played clarinet, and marched behind one another. After breaking up and then getting back together again in college, we were married a week after I graduated on May 22, 1982. Larry is a mechanical engineer with Boeing, and right now I am simply being at home. Larry is also devoted to his karate training, and I have taught dog obedience for many years. I also love to read and write, and work on the computer. We are both collectors and hoarders. Larry loves his Heisey glass, and I love buttons and books (and other stuff, too). Welcome to our page!

The Two of Us

This picture was taken on my 40th birthday, at our friend Cathy's house. Hugs from my hubby are always welcome. He is such a sweetie. Thanks so much to Cathy for the wonderful prime rib dinner and fun surprise party!

Being Silly!

Well, Cathy's camera didn't want to flash - so we posed, and waited (it was supposed to be a kiss picture), and finally ended up laughing - which is when Cathy took the picture. Actually it turned out great! Without Cathy, guess there wouldn't BE any pictures of us together!

Larry's Nidan

One of the interests we have had as a family has been to train in Shudokan style karate. We began shortly after we moved to the Seattle area. Michael is the one who got the ball rolling. He and I trained until we attained the rank of First Degree Black Belt, but have since stopped. Larry and Chris have continued. Larry is currently a Third Degree Black Belt in Shudokan, and has trained in a second style as well - Goshin Jitsu, where he is a Second Degree Black Belt. Along with training for himself, Larry also spends a great deal of time teaching at the dojo. This picture was taken when he received his Second Degree (or Nidan) in January of 1999. See Larry's new page for more great karate pictures!

Herald Diana

As I said before, I am an avid reader! While I collect mostly children's and young adult illustrated dog and horse books, I love to READ Fantasy and Science Fiction. Every year here in the Seattle area is a big Sci/Fi convention called NorWesCon. There are wonderful panels on writing and getting published, along with art, costuming and gaming. They also feature many wonderful Sci/Fi authors! One of the highlights of my year is going to the convention, and getting to meet the authors and have them sign my books. Of course, half the fun is dressing up! I am shown in my Herald costume here, based on the characters from Mercedes Lackey's Heralds of Valdemar series. I am also working on putting together a Scottish costume. The trick is finding lightweight (and NOT wool) tartan in my family plaid. One of these days, though!

Now a Page Just for Larry and Diana!


See our other family pages here!

My Mike
Cute Chris
Diana and Larry
Art Gallery
Home & Garden
Maddie's Pad (My Niece)

Our Web Sites!

Family Home Page
Glen Ey Aussies
Diana's Buttons