Our Family Home Page

Our Family Home Page

Welcome to our family's home page! In the pages accessible from here, you will get to meet the members of our family. I am Diana, the one who has created all these pages. My wonderful husband is Larry, and our two sons are Michael and Chris. We also have three awesome Australian Shepherds - Duncan, Merlin and Magic. Their pages are accessible through the Glen Ey Aussies link below.

Exciting news for Diana! I had an article published about Buttons with Dogs on them, in the July 2003 issue of the print magazine Canine Collectibles Courier. PLUS I had another article on Margaret & Helen Johnson in the April 2004 issue, AND I now have a regular column in the magazine on vintage dog books. :-) Very Fun!

Family Picture!
We don't often get family pictures, so this was a special event (last one done in 2000)!
This was taken over Thanksgiving 2006, and we decided to include EVERYONE!.

Mike and Chris with Puppies!

Larry and Diana

Duncan, Merlin & Magic as Babies - Too Cute!

See our other family pages here!

My Mike
Cute Chris
Diana and Larry
Art Gallery
Home & Garden
Maddie's Pad (My Niece)

Our Web Sites!

Family Home Page
Glen Ey Aussies
Everyday Obedience
Diana's Buttons

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Site Map

Page last updated 5/10/07