Here are the stacked photos of the pups at 8 weeks old, taken 7/25/08. Playtime pictures are from 7/28/08, at about 8 1/2 weeks old. |
Carmella has gone to her new home and is no longer available. She is now Camas Creek Bella Rosso - "Bella." |
Cookie is available to a pet/performance home on a spay contract. |
Dora is staying at Camas Creek! She is now Camas Creek Compass Rose - "Dora" |
Isosoles has gone to her new home, and is no longer available. |
Tippi has a new home, and is no longer available! She is now Camas Creek Tippi Canoe - "Tippi" |
Wilbur is staying at Camas Creek! He will be Camas Creek's Northwest Passage - "Trek" |
Tag - you're it! |
Keeping mom on her toes! |
Puppy love. |
Playing with the big dogs isn't for sissies! |
Fun Agility! |
Pullman, Washington Email Us! |