Our 6 pups were born 5/30/08! 5 girls, 1 boy.

The pups are growing up! They are maturing so nicely, and we're so proud of all of them.

Here's a look at "Then" and "Now".

Bella (was Carmella)

Camas Creek’s Bella Rosso, CGC, RN, NAP, NJP, HIT, HCT

Kasey (was Cookie)

Camas Creek’s High Sierra


Camas Creek’s Tippi Canoe

Sossy (was Isosoles)

Camas Creek’s Sossy


Camas Creek's Compass Rose, RN

Trek (was Wilbur)

Camas Creek's Northwest Passage,
RN, TN-N (AKC Major Ptd.)

2022 Updates!
These girls look great at 14 years old!

Bella at 14 years old!

Dora at 14 years old!

Sossy at 14 years old!

2019 Updates!

Bella had an amazing weekend at the Olympic
ASA shows this year! Look at all her loot!
Over the weekend, she took Altered WB, Reserve A-WB,
A-WB & BOS, plus A-WB, BOW, BOB!

Bella taking Altered WB, BOW & BOB
Under judge Peter Hellmeister!
Not bad for an 11 year old!

2012 Updates!

Bella's ribbons as she finished her NAP
(Novice Agility Preferred title from AKC)! Congratulations!

Bella competing in an agility trial!

Bella all grown up in 2012!
Isn't she pretty?

All Grown Up!

The pups are now two years old! We've had fun with Sossy and Kasey over to visit (Summer 2010) - giving us a chance for some current pictures.

Mom Saffie (left) with Kasey.

Family Photo Op!
(Left to Right): Sossy, Saffie, Trek, Kasey and Dora

Kasey, Dora and Trek take a drink from the Birdbath!

Dora (left) and Kasey (right) hang out.

Snow Days! ~ January 2009

The pups had a blast playing in their first snow!

This white stuff is FUN!

Trek and Tippi

Saffie (left) and Tippi

Snow Dogs!
Brumby, Trek and Dora

Catch me if you can!


Three Pups in the Snow

Here we come!

Kasey (left) and Saffie

Big Dog
Fun Agility!

Susan E. Roberts LVT
Pullman, Washington
Email Us!

This site designed and maintained by Glen Ey Aussies Web Design
All pictures and content copyright © by Susan Ernstrom Roberts and others as given credit. Please ask permission before using.