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The Dragon's Lair

Space 1889 Logo

Meet some Space: 1889 adventurers

We have played one session of Space:1889 so far at the gaming group I play with, but we will be playing a second adventure soon. In the first adventure the following characters took off in an Ether Flyer and landed on Luna.
Fredrick Smith

An ex-army officer who paid to have an ether flyer built. When in London he spends much of his time in the reform club or the Royal Geographical Society, and is an able leader, if a little racist and arrogant. He is skilled with the deadly Gatling .50 Machine Gun.

Professor Mass ne Jim Moriarty

An insane genius who built the parties Ether Flyer. He has built a lab on the ship, and regularly invents many strange contraptions. He is skilled with the rapier, but does not even know where the trigger is on a gun.

Charles Ashe

A young navy officer who pilots the party's Ether Flyer. Known too be a bit too fond of drink.

Cyril Farquhar Denton

An explorer and Big Game hunter who met Fredrick Smith and the Royal geographic society and joined his party so as to explore Mars. He has the heads of many a strange animal mounted on his living room wall.

James Carstairs

An eloquent and charismatic man-about-town, James is a observant and knowledgable detective. However under his honourable front, James Carstairs is a master criminal who orchestrates London's underworld. (Now sadly deceased.)

Liam Devlin

A Irish engineer, Liam was hired to work the engines on the Ether Flyer. However, the party do not know that he is a Fenian, loyal to the cause of the Irish Republic. Forced to live by his wits, he has survived this long because of his skill at fisticuffs.

Abu Shahib

A Indian who served under Fredrick Smith when he joined the army. He was hired to help carry the groups baggage and clear overgrowth.

The story so far...

On a short trip to the moon, the party's Ether Flyer crashed, and would only take off if a diamond was found to replace the shattered one in the ether propeller. The decended down a huge gorge for many days, surviving by eating grey mushrooms, and discovering lunar bats and strange creatures with a hard shell like an armadillo. As well as the edible grey fungus, there was also a yellow green fungus which glowed, and released a mild acid when broken. They discovered the crashed ship of Vladimir Treshnikova, and found it to be stripped of anything of worth. They also found a room filled with rats that had survived by eating human flesh... After a long descent they discovered the entrance to a cave, with the initials VT carved in the roack next to it. They ventured into the caves, exploring huge chambers and water filled passages and battling against giant Caterpillar like creatures and a giant bat who covered them in corrosive shit! During their sleep they were surrounded by large insectoid type creatures with Remington Breech Loading Rifles, who took them to Vladimir Treshnikova. Vladimir had been living in the caves since he crashed many years ago, and had disposed of the rest of his crew by feeding them to the rats in his lab on the ship. He revealed his plan to find the party's ship, fix it and steal it. The party were then locked in a prison cavern. However, while Vladimir is away, the party encourage the insectoid creatures or 'Selinites' to revolt, comunicating with them through K'Chuk, the 'retainer of knowledge' and the only Selinite who could speak english. When Vladimir returned, the angry mob of Selinites, who had helped overrun the armed Selinite guards, he ran, but was persued and fell into the yellow green glow fungus, which burned through his skin and killed him. The party took one of Vladimir's diamonds and used it to fix the ship. Liam Devlin was given a strange medal by the Selinites as way of thanks to the party, but nobody knows its origin.

An Ether Flyer