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The Dragon's Lair



This is the section for all articles about Warhammer which do not fit into other catagories. Eventually, a whole archive of useful material (not just by me) will be stored here.

Alternative High Elf Army List by Ishamael

An interesting (if controvertial) alternative approach to the High Elf Army List

What are your orders, Sire?

An excellent article by Mr. Tuomas Pirinen himself about tactics. What more can I say?

101 Ways to Confuse your Opponent

A funny article by Bunnyipz

How to Compute Points Values in WHFB

An article about calculating Points Costs for your own trrop types.

Random Name Generators

Tables which allow you to randomly generate names for Elf Nobles and Chaos Daemons

The VP100 System

The Victory Point system used in official Games Workshop touranments