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Lustrian Campaign Diary

On the 17th of March, 1999, GW Southport started a campaign, loosly based on the 'Mighty Empires' rules. Always ready to seek glory with my beloved High Elf host, I signed up. This campaign diary will chart the progress of my General, Ceilleachan, Prince of the Realm, Lord of the Isle and Son of the Dispossessed, as he explores and conquers this lustrian island.

Click here to see the 'Mighty Empires' rules

Turn 1 (early)

My army landed on the coast of this mysterious island. We soon met up with the small High Elf colony previously founded here, Tor Chrillean, and embraced it as the capital of our operations on here. Although the coastal area appears green and lush it lacks the beauty of our fair continent, Ulthuan, a strong colony here would certainly be of use. A quick exploration discovered a number of small villages which we have embraced into our Empire. I also found two ruined bastions which had fallen into neglect. I ordered my troops to repair the breached walls and install defence, in case other settlers on the island had ideas above their station.

Turn 1 (later)

Swines! Two of the villiages I had generously allowed to become part of my realm, both inhabited by Lizardmen, have rebbelled against my rule! I shall enforce my sovreign power on them, and raze their villiages. The whole of this Isle must know that Ceilleachan is not a elf to be disagreed with... During further explorations encountered a number of nomad merchants who offered me some provisions as a gift. If only this kind of respect was afforded to me by all the denizens of this island.

Turn 2 (early)

I have now separated my army into two small scouting contingents and one larger force whcih I will command. I sent the scouts to explore the coast, where the took another villiage and a fortress, whilst I myself will lead the main contingent to one of the rebel villages, where we make an example of these trouble makers by destroying them.

Turn 2 (later)

Never in my life have I been so humiliated! We deployed in a defensive position near the rebel villiage, whilst I sent my Silver Helms to weaken their meagre forces. However, no sooner had I despatched the Cavalry than I was attacked by a Winged Lizard being ridden by a skink. I was first alerted by a large rock which crashed into my head. I drew my sword, but using some arcane magical weapon, I was seriously wounded and fell to the ground. Mistaking me for dead, my entire army, with the exception of the archers, fled the table. When I recovered, I found that all the Silver Helms had deserted me. Never have I been in such a rage! In the debriefing session I flew into a frenzy only rivaled by the Berzerkers from Norsca! In the evening I watched the rebel village defend itself once again, this time destroying a shambling Undead army from Khemri. I have learnt to respect these Cold Blooded creatures, and have decided to concentrate my efforts on the forces of the Tomb King, which currently pose a much greater threat to my kindred. I will pray to Hoeth that I never suffer such an embarrasing defeat again.

Turn 3 (early)

I have reorganised my forces, and hired three new Silver Helms. I have led a force to the north, where I will meet with the Ellyrian Reavers, and launch an attack on the Khemru Undead. Meanwhile, my Scouts have discovered some more villiages which have yeilded to my rule. I today met an ambassador from an army of Empire troops to the east, beyond the Khemri Undead. We have discussed an alliance against this common threat, and will probably sign a pact soon.

Turn 3 (later)

Damnation to the enemies of Ulthuan! Yet another attack thwarted. Although we were soundly beaten by the Khemri Undead, there were no fatalities, and my army simply retreated ready to launch another attack. I was especially disappointed by the performance of my Ellyrian Reavers. Why didn't Lochian (the reaver champion) drink that Potion of Battle? My army yet again proved themselves to be cowardly, repeatedly failing their fear tests. I am not sure how I am going to get my army to perform better. Some magic users and more troops are the only answer.

Turn 4

Harvest time in Lustria. I was pleased to see my Empire return its dues to me, and will be able to send for the reinforcements I need. I have already sent for my brother, Lenihan, to come and assist me, and will get him to bring along his pet Dragon! It will be a long time before I can levy taxes once again on my people, so will have to spend this income wisely.

I sent in a party to attempt to discuss an alliance with a nearby Independant city, but the diplomats were all brutally murdered. I gained by revenge by having the rebel leader assasinated, and in the resulting anarchy moved in and took the city.