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The Dragon's Lair

Files to Download

The following are files I have found around the internet. You may well find them useful. More to come very soon


WarDraft allows you to alter images and campiagns from Warcraft II.


Download this file to change the campaign outlines and unit names of Warcraft II to a Warhammer setting

Once you have downloaded the 'data' file, use it to replace the srdat.war file. make sure you move the srdat.war file elsewhere somewhere else so you can return it if necessary.


Berthier is a DOS program designed to moderate campaigns without a referee. It allows for the movement of several units around a map, and although it was designed with the Horse and Musket period in mind, it works well for a short fantasy campaign. Download it and try it. Berthier was designed by Tony de Lyall

Click here to download Berthier

Click here to visit Berthier's host site, the Volley and Bayonet Homepage

Roll Call

Roll Call is a fantastic program which allows you to organise your army and print out army lists and cards for individual units. It was made by John Martin

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

You also need to install the magic item file.

Magic Items List

You also need the file for your particular race.



Chaos Dwarves

Chaos Warriors


Dark Elves

Dogs of War



High Elves


Orcs and Goblins



Wood Elves

Random Name Generator

Elf Noble Random name Generator

Gang Roster Spreadshhet

Excel Gang Roster Spreadsheet

Icons and Cursors

Warhammer Fantasy Cursors

40k Cursors

40k Icons