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Campaign Experience System

I designed this Experience System for the simple campaign detailed in this website, but it is suitable for use in any campaign or tournament. It is simple to use, and allows units to improve and worsen as they gain and lose experience.

Starting Experience

Each unit starts with D6-1 experience. Note that this experience system does not cover Characters or War Machines. Characters should simply use the 'Veteran Characters' rules detailed in the WHFB Battle Book.

Experience Levels

Units can be one of five levels, depending on the number of experience points they have.

XP's  Level
0     Inexperienced Youth
1-5   Fresh Blood
6-10  Veteran Warriors
11-20 Elite Warriors
21+   Feared and Respected Reginment

The level of the unit has the following effect. Note that a unit keeps the bonus of the previous level when it advances to higher level. Obviously, when a unit drops from a higher to a lower level, it loses the bonuses gained from that higher level.

Regiment of Renown Table

D6  Effect
1   May increase all their close combat results by 1.
2   Can automatically passes one leadership test they
    are called on to make.
3   Musician costs the same as a normal warrior
    (not double).
4   Standard Bearer costs the same as a normal warrior
    (not double).
5   The unit is toughened by its various encounters.
    It's saving throw may never be modified below 6+.
6   Unit causes Fear

Gaining and Losing Experience

+1 For taking part in a battle.

+1 If the unit was on the winning side in a battle.

+1 For breaking or wiping out a unit in hand to hand combat.

+1 For shooting at a unit and causing it to fail a panic test.

-2 If the unit was destroyed or fleeing at the end of a battle.

-1 For every new recruit added to the unit. Note that giving an existing meber a standard does not incur any penalty. Recruiting a champion force a unit to lose an XP, but placing any other type of character does not.

Click here to see the campaign rules

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These ideas should serve as a simple experience system for any campaign/ tournament, although you may wish to maodify them to make them suit your pupose. If you have any good ideas for alterations, e-mail me at: