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The Dragon's Lair

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Welcome to The Dragon's Lair! I hope you enjoy your visit to this site, I have put a great deal of effort into making it into a useful resource for all players of Warhammer and Necromunda. If you have any suggestions, submissions, or simply want to know when I update the site, don't hesitate to e-mail me at Now for the news...

GW Official Newsletter

Click below to see the official GW newsletter, released on July 21st. Although it still has an obvious US orientation, it contains a lot of useful stuff, like the BFG Q+A, Opinion Poll Results and Competition. Much better than the old GW US newsletter! Take a look...

GW Newsletter, July 21.

Join the Battleaxe Gaming Society

What more can I say? This site offers a forum, competition, articles and much more. They've already got plenty of members, but the more they get, the better this community will be. Visit it at and join. This should be a good community for GW fans on the net if enough people join.

KJC Warhammer Play By Mail Developments

A while back, I told you UK PBM giants KJC Games had announced that GW have given them a licence to run a Warhammer Play by Mail game. They had previously announced a release date of Summer 1999, but due to ongoing development, this has been postboned to Summer 2000. Shame, another year to wait, but it should be interesting when it finally arrives. Click here to see their (revised) press release.

Chaos Artwork Needed

John Barber is currently running a project to rewrite the Realms of Chaos book. However, he needs artwork for this project. Mail him at

Opinion Poll Result

I have now set a new Opinion Poll question. Here is the result of the last poll:

45% Keep White Dwarf as it is, but lower the price.

18% Return WD to the golden age of the 80s.

15% WD needs a completely new approach.

13% Return WD to the golden age of 96/97.

9% White Dwarf is great! Don't change it!

Jervis Johnson Interview

The Colossal 40k Resource Site have just published their interview with Jervis Johnson. It's a long, in-depth interview with some damn good questions. Take a look!

Strange Rumour

Portent, usually the most reliable source for rumours, recently featured one that really made me laugh. According to one source, in the next edition of WHFB the box will contain trwo new races, the Ice Elves and the Kislevites. Obviously, I see this as highly unlikely, as GW claim they are not going to release any more human armies in the near future and they already have three elven armies; more than enough. But never say never, and this rumour does come from Portent...

Your Space Marine Chapters Needed

Captain Stern's Imperial Database is trying to keep a database of all the Space Marine chapters. If you have a chapter of your own, or know of one from an ancient source book, they would like to hear from you. Visit their site at:

Loads of hosts to choose from!

The Warp and RPG Host have recently started to offer free webspace for GW website owners. If you're setting up a site, why not try them out? I also recommend Angelfire, my hosts who have been great for The Dragon's Lair.

Another 'Save our Squats' Campaign

I recently heard from some guy who wants to get a pile of e-mails that he can take to GW to show support for the Squats. I have no idea if this will work (I doubt it) but I suppose if you do support Squats, it is probably your duty to register your support by sending an e-mail to:

Help Rogue Trader Online

Rogue Trader Online are attemting to gather together all the Rogue Trader rules and White Dwarf articles. Tzeentch

is looking for people to help type up articles, etc. so if you have any old Rogue Trader materials, contact him.

Chat about GW games online

I recently announced how Portent are organising chat sessions on their site. The chat there seems to be temporarily out of order. However, The Warp now also have their chat rooms. If enough people support this, then it should take off, so try it out, especially while Portent Chat is down. Visit The Warp at

Combat Cards Return (Groan!)

GW's 'Combat Cards' are making a return. Their 'super top trumps' style game is now on sale in packs for each Warhammer army. The rules are simplified and the prices are ludicrous. The artwork is all right, but it is mostly borrowed from the army books, etc. All in all, I wouldn't waste my money on them, but I suppose they're meant for little kids who are too young to play the full game. And if you want to know how simple the system is, basically each card has a points value. the card with the higher points value wins. Any questions?

Regiment Set Price Rise

On the 1st of May, the price of Regiment sets in the UK will rise from £10 to £12, and there will be a similar price rise in other countries. GW claim they are 'losing money' on the metal components. Greedy bastards.

Take Part in Chaos War!

The Kings Glade are working on an epic piece of Warhammer fiction. Entitled 'Chaos War' it will chart the great war of the good races against (predictably enough) Chaos.

Click here to go to the Kings Glade.