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Leadership Challenges

New House Rules for Necromunda by Richard Irvine

I devised these rules to introduce Gorkamorka style 'Pit Fights' to my Necromunda campaign. I believe they are far better than the rules given in Outlanders, but then I would say that, wouldn't I...

Sometimes gangers get a bit too big for their boots and think that they're just as hard as the leader. When this situation arises, a pit fight is held, and people flock from all around to see this display of violence, brutality and masculinity (or femininity if it's an Escher gang). The winner assumes leadership of the gang, and gains the respect and fear of all around.


If a ganger reaches the same leadership value as the gangs leader, roll a D6 and check the table below. Juves may not challenge for leadership- they would never be taken seriously. Add 1 to the result if the challenger is from House Van Saar. Subtract 1 if the challenger is from House Goliath.

1-2. The leader is challenged to a fist fight. See the rules below.
2-3. The leader is challenged to a shoot-out. See the rules below.
5-6. The potential new leader is utterly loyal to the old leader.
     He will never challenge for leadership of the gang again.


The fist fight will take place immediately after the experience and advance rolls have been completed. Neither of the participants may use any equipment, although bionic limbs, skull chips and other parts that can't be removed may be used. Work out hand to hand combat as usual. Neither model counts as charging. The first model to go down loses the challenge, and their opponent gains (or retains) leadership of the gang). If a model goes down has not neccesarily gone out of action; see "The Loser".


Participants may use all of their equipment. Place the models16" apart on a table clear of any terrain. It is a good idea to allow another player to control the challenger. The model with the higher Initiative characteristic goes first; if this is the same roll a D6 to decide which model goes first. Models may then move, charge and shoot as normal, until a model goes down or out of action. If a model goes down has lost the challenge not neccesarily gone out of action; see "The Loser".


+5  Winning a challenge
+D3 Unsuccesful challenger
-D3 Leader loses leadership of the gang.


The winner of a challenge assumes (or retains) leadership of the gang. If a challenger becomes leader, he learns to use special weapons in the same way as any other leader.


If the loser went out of action, you must make a roll on the serious injuries table. If the loser went down, but not out of action, roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3, the model is not seriously hurt (although his pride is a little bruised). On a roll of 4-6, he must roll on the serious injuries table, rerolling results of 11-16 (Dead), 56 (Bitter Enmity), 61-63 (Captured) and 66 (Survives against the odds). A leader who loses retains the ability to use special weapons, as if he had the "Specialist" skill. The loser must roll on the table below.

1-2. The loser accepts that the better man won, and becomes loyal to the winner.
     He will never challenge for leadership again.
3-4. The losers pride has been dealt a cruel blow.
     He will not challenge again until his leadership increases.
5.   The loser demans a re-fight. Another challenge will be fought after the next battle.
6.   The loser deserts the gang, taking all his equipment with him.