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Necromunda Questions and Answers

The following is an (almost) exhaustive list of (nearly) official GW Question and Answer rulings. Some are WD published or just common sense, but where Roolzboyz answers are used, I have phoned a number of times to get a unanimous answer. If you have any other Q and As, or just questions, e-mail me. I have separated them into subject areas, so some questions are repeated as they fit into two fields. Hope you find it useful...

Shooting Questions

Q: Do you get xp from a web pistol? It officially doesn't wound.

A: Yes, you get the 'Wounding Hit' xp for a sucessful webbing hit.

Q: Model A Fires. B is closest but in hard cover. C is using B for partial cover. If the model A fires at B and missed, can model A hit model C?

A: Officially, no.

Q: During overwatch, can you use rapid fire, or quick shot to shoot more then once?

A: No. You may one shoot once.

Q: With rapid fire and quick shot, do all the shots have to be at the same model?

A: No. But they must be within 4 inches of the first target (like sustained fire).

Q: Are web pistols slient?

A: No.

Q: Can you be pinned by an overwatch shot?

A: Yes, the model is stopped in his tracks. This is one of the reasons you give up your turn to go on overwatch.

Q: Are shooting skills that allow multiple shots to be fired cumulative? i.e. can you actually have a ganger with Gunslinger and Rapid fire using both skills during one turn, firing?

A: Apparantly you can. According to the rules, all skills are cumulative.

Q: If you have a weapon with different types of ammo (like a shotgun), and fire a certain type, then fail the ammo roll associated with that type - is the whole weapon down (jammed, etc), or do you only lose that type? Similar situation with the grenade launcher.

A: According to the rules, the whole weapon.

Q: Are models hit by area of effect weapons pinned?

A: Yes.

Q: Does a model that gets hit by fire and goes down (but not out) to a wound still remain pinned by for a turn?

A: Basically, you are either pinned or down. Going down overides pinning entirely.

Q: How do you define the weapons that cause multiple wounds. It says in the Source Book that you get 5 XP per wound caused. How does this work?

A: You get 5 experience per 'wounding hit', not per wound caused. Carefully reread the entry on, for example, the Gang Fight experience table for a full explanation of how this works.

Q: If a model is hidden, can I lob a grenade (at -1 to hit) just in front of the cover he is hiding behind?

A: Offically, no. Grenades have to be thrown at an eligible targets. The only exception are smoke or blind grenades (i.e. grenades that can't harm anyone) which may be thrown at a spot on the ground.

Q: Can I throw a grenade on overwatch?

A: Yes.

Q: Can a model with a Grenade Launcher throw his grenades as well? What if he fails an ammo roll, can he still throw the grenades now that he can't fire them?

A: No to both questions.

Q: Can you shoot through the holes in bulkheads?

A: Officially, you can shoot through the holes in the bulkheads, with the target counting as in hard cover.

Q: If a model takes 3 wounds, say a 1 down and 2 flesh wounds, all in one turn, is the model only pinned and not down?

A: Obviously, the model is down, but he also suffers additional -1 WS and BS penalties for the two flesh wounds.

Q: On page 54 of the rule book, it reads, 'If you choose to move you may not shoot, although you can go onto overwatch...' Can this possibly be right?

A: The rule is basically not written very well. Basically, Heavies, like any other model, can only go onto overwatch if they choose not to move or shoot.

Q: Must your leader make break tests for models going down around him?

A: Yes.

Weapon Specific Questions

Q: One of the effects of the needle rifle is 'comatose'. What does this mean? Is the model out of action?

A: If the model is in comatose, remove the model, and it counts as out of action for the purpose of bottle rolls. However, after the battle, he automatically makes a full recovery. Do not roll on the Serious Injuries table.

Q: How does a One In a Million weapon work? i.e, how much does it cost? Say you buy a One In a Million shotgun with bolt shell, is the overall cost doubled and all three ammo types (solid, scatter, bolt) automatically pass their ammo rolls?

A: The rule applies to all ammo types, and all the costs are doubled.

Q: Do you get xp from a web pistol? It officially doesn't wound.

A: Yes, you get the 'Wounding Hit' xp for a sucessful webbing hit.

Q: Can a model with a Grenade Launcher throw his grenades as well? What if he fails an ammo roll, can he still throw the grenades now that he can't fire them?

A: No to both questions.

Q: If a model does not attempt to escape from the web and just lies there - is there any damage to the player?

A: No

Q: Can a fellow ganger attempt to cut his buddy out or will this make the web constrict?

A: You may not help a webbed model escape.

Q: At the end of the game, does the trapped player escape, or is he captured?

A: The model escapes (the webs naturally disolve after a short while)

Q: Does a 'webbed' player who has loot in the 'scavanger' scenario get to keep the loot?

A: Yes.

Movement Questions

Q: How does climbing ladders work?

A: Ladders are treated as clear terrain, so each 1 inches you move up or down a ladder costs 1 inches of your move (it's assumed that gangers, having spent all their lives in the Underhive can scamper up or down ladders with equal speed).

Q: If a model has 2 wounds and jumps down one level (3 inches) and takes one wound from the S3 hit, can he still continue his movement (he did survive, didn't he?).

A: The model is pinned even if no wound is suffered, as jumping down levels is the same as falling.

Q: If a gang member voluntarily jumps/drops downward 3 inches (as opposed to using a ladder), assuming he isn't wounded, does this count as 3 inches of movement?

A: No, but the model is pinned even if no wound is suffered.

Q: Do 'Vents' let you out only on the first floor, top floor, or any floor above the ground floor?

A: Any floor.

Q: Can a model emerging from 'Vents' emerge in the center of a bridge?

A: Yes.

Q: Is it possible for a model armed with a grappling hook to swing on it from one platform to another? If so how for can they swing?

A: This is not covered in the rules. However, you may want to invent your own house rules to allow them to do so.

Q: Can all the creatures in the Outlanders bestiary double their movement by running or charging?

A: Yes.

Close Combat Questions

Q: A downed fighter is charged by an opponent. What happens?

A: The downed fighter goes immediately out of action.

Q: Do you have to charge the closest model, even if this means climbing or leaping ?

A: Yes to climbing, no to leaping.

Q: Must a fighter charge the closest enemy even if he has the 'leap' skill?

A: Yes.

Q: If a model is in hand to hand combat when his gang bottles, what happens to him?

A: As he turns and runs, he recieves one automatic hit from his opponent. Roll as normal to see if this hit wounded.

Q: When using a pistol in Close Combat, do you use the strength of the shot of the pistol, or the users strength characteristic?

A: In close combat, the model uses the butt of the pistol to hit his opponent, rather than shooting with it. Therefore, the strength of the hit is the strength of the user.

Skill Questions

Q: During overwatch, can you use rapid fire, or quick shot to shoot more then once?

A: No. You may only shoot once.

Q: With rapid fire and quick shot, do all the shots have to be at the same model?

A: No. But they must be within 4 inches of the first target (like sustained fire).

Q: Are shooting skills that allow multiple shots to be fired cumulative? i.e. can you actually have a ganger with Gunslinger and Rapid fire using both skills during one turn, firing?

A: Apparantly you can. According to the rules, all skills are cumulative.

Q: Can you evade having been pinned?

A: No.

Q: Do hired guns get the benefit of your auto repairer? What about armourer?

A: Auto repairer, No. Armourer Yes.

Q: If a player has infiltration skill and his opponent has vents and/or tunnels, when does the infiltrating ganger infiltrate? a) after initial deployment or b)after the gangers come out of the vents?

A: After initial deployment.

Q: Can you use Rapid Fire skill during the Draw phase in a shootout?

A: Yes.

Q: One of the skills available to scum is the marksman skill. This skill can't be used with pistols, yet pistols are the only guns that scum have. Should scum have access to basic weapons or should another skill be substituted?

A: This was a bit of a cock-up in terms of game design, but if you do roll marksman, tough luck! He gains the skill, even though he cannot use it. He does not get a replacement skill.

Q: The Inventor Techno skill says, 'Randomly select an item from the price chart in the Trading Post section. Whatever is selected is the item that has been invented.' Did you mean we were to create a random table for the price chart or were we to use the Rare Trade Chart. The Rare Trade Chart seems to make more since, otherwise you could have some Juve come up to your leader saying, 'Hey boss, look! I just invented a knife!'

A: Use the rare trade chart.

Q: If you invent a Mung Vase, can you sell it immediately ?

A: Yes, you can sell immediately. Your inventor has made a fake, and will try to pass it off as genuine.

Q: When several gangers have the medic skill, can an injured model be allowed more than one reroll?

A: Yes.

Q: On page 45 it says Delague gangers can take agility skills, but on the table page 84 it states that they cannot. It also says on page 84 that Van Saar gangers cannot take combat skills, whereas on page 45 they can. Which page is correct?

A: Page 45 is the correct version in both cases.

Scenario Specific Questions

Q: What happens on Rescue mission, when you free the person, then choose to bottle out on your next turn?

A: No. You cannot choose to bottle out, as per mission.

Q: Can you use Rapid Fire skill during the Draw phase in a shootout?

A: Yes.

Q: If carrying a pistol and basic weapon, can you gain an initiative bonus by drawing the pistol in the draw phase of the shootout?

A: Yes.

Q: If during a rescue mission the captive is freed then taken out of action does the mission end immediately? And if so, what happens to the captive?

A: No. Freed captives that are taken out roll on the Serious Injuries Chart as normal.

Q: On the Hit and Run Mission does the leader have to start on the battlefield or can the defending player choose to bring him on last? (thus pitting d6 of an attackers gang vs the entire defenders gang).

A: In this case the defending Gang Leader must be one of the D6 models deployed at the start of the scenario.

Q: Can you use vents and tunnels on every mission?

A: Both players can use them in scenarios 1, 2 and 4. Only the attacker can use them in scenarios 3, 5 and 6. Also, please note that having multiple vents, or multiple tunnels, does _not_ increase the number of models that can use them to more than 3 (i.e. if you have two sets of vents you can still only infiltrate up to 3 models, not up to 6 models).

Q: On the hit & run and raid missions should the attacking player allocate his gang into groups before or after the defender sets up?

A: Before.

Q: When playing a scenario that limits the number of fighters that a side may deploy on the first turn (e.g. Hit and Run), do the Tunnels and Vents territories enable that side to deploy three fighters at the end of the first turn IN ADDITION to the amount rolled, or do they merely allow the gang to deploy the number of fighters rolled according to the rules for Tunnels and Vents?

A: The number rolled (but see the answer to the question above).

Q: In the Shoot- out scenario, are the build-up die rolls made after both sides finish moving all their fighters, or after each side moves one fighter?

A: After both sides finish moving all fighters.

Q: What if you succeed in the Rescue scenario and free your Ganger, does his equipment and weapons come along or are they kept by the defender?

A: The weapons and equipment are taken with the ganger when he escapes.

Hired Gun Questions

Q: One of the skills available to scum is the marksman skill. This skill can't be used with pistols, yet pistols are the only guns that scum have. Should scum have access to basic weapons or should another skill be substituted?

A: This was a bit of a cock-up in terms of game design, but if you do roll marksman, tough luck! He gains the skill, even though he cannot use it. He does not get a replacement skill.

Q: If your Ratskin scout is out of action, but you still win the battle, can he go out looking for more territories?

A: No. They are recovering from the battle, even if it's a full recovery.

Q: Do hired guns get the benefit of your auto repairer? What about armourer?

A: Auto repairer, No. Armourer Yes.

Gang Selection, Gang Rating and End of Game Sequence Questions

Q: What happens when your leader dies?

A: The ganger with the highest Leadership takes over, with all the bonuses and penalties of being leader. You cannot buy a new leader!

Q: What do I do if I buy too many juves? Can I just kill them or throw them out?

A: Yes. If you don't want them, they just cease to be part of the gang. You don't get their equipment back though!

Q: If your leader goes out of action or sustains a serious injury can he still check for rare items.

A: Yes.

Q: Are gangers upgraded to leaders allowed to pick skills from the 'leaders' category of their house? How about use special weapons? Are they always considered to have a man nearby for recovering from pinning like normal leaders?

A: Yes.

Q: For purposes of cost and gang rating, is this ganger turned leader now worth 120 instead of 50?

A: No, the new leader keeps his existing cost for the gang rating.

Q: Can you sell your own gang members into slavery?

A: No!

Q: Do you count the value of captured gang members and/or their gear on your roster and gang rating?

A: No.

Q: What are the the limits imposed on a model with regard to the number of weapons it may possess. I have playing companions who load up with several special weapons and several basic weapons to boot. Any ruling?

A: All weapons need to be shown on a model to be used. Also note the restrictions on weapon use on pages 27-28 of the rules.

Q: Can a Ratskin gang use equipment which it has captured, even if it is not on the usual Ratskin equipment list?

A: Yes, Outlander gangs may use any captured equipment.

Q: When you start a new gang, after rolling for XP, do you then roll for special abilities/advances up to the amount of XP? If not, why not?

A: No! All bonuses are included in the starting profile of the model.

Q: When rolling for Serious Injuries,what happens when you roll up the same injury that your ganger already has? Do you re-roll the result, or are the effects cumulative?

A: Ignore duplicate effects unless the table says otherwise.

Q: In Outlanders it states that when a leader dies a ganger may take over with 'all the advantages and disadvantages that may entail.' a) Does 'ganger' means 'Ganger', not just any gang member? b) When a ganger is declared leader, is he only allowed to take the skills he normally is allowed as a ganger or he may choose skills from the same categories as a (normal) leader is permitted to choose from. c) How about equipment, can he take special weapons or not? d) And: is the gang still offered D3 rare items when trading?

A: a) any ganger; b) he can only choose the skills he is normally allowed; c) he can take special weapons; d) yes (as this was a special rule available to the old leader).

Miscellaneous Questions

Q: The workshop territory says that you ignore the first ammo roll for the battle, does this mean that all of your gang members ignore there first ammo roll or just the first members ammo roll?

A: You just ignore your very first ammo roll of that battle, not the first for each ganger.

Q: Do the models using vents have to emerge together, or can they be separated across the playing field?

A: They can be seperated.

Q: Can a Ratskin gang use equipment which it has captured, even if it is not on the usual Ratskin equipment list?

A: Yes, Outlander gangs may use any captured equipment.