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Ratling Snipers

As seen in Gang War 5

by Richard Irvine

Ratling Snipers exist in small close knit communities in the underhive. Being rather small and puny they have to rely on their cunning and wits to survive. Ratlings would almost certainly be crushed in any close combat, so they have to hone their shooting skills, making them expert snipers. Many ratlings on Necromunda were once part of the Imperial Guard, and so they have wide access to their favoured weapon- the Needle Rifle, which allows the ratling to remain submerged in the shadows whilst they deliver sharp, swift, drug induced death to their foes...

Hiring Ratling Snipers

Ratling Snipers are recruited as a member of your gang NOT as hired guns, and you only therefore have to make one inital payment of 40 credits to add him to your gang.

Equipping Ratling Snipers

Ratling Snipers can be equipped with weapons from the Hand to Hand, Pistols, Basic lists. In addition, they may be equipped with Needle Rifles when they are first recruited, for an additional cost of 200 credits. This weapon is the only special weapon Ratlings can use, and is NOT transferrable to other members of the gang. The Ratling would rather die than give up his trusty weapon.

Ratling Profile

M    WS   BS   S    T    W    I    A    Ld
5    2    4    2    3    1    5    1     6 

Gaining experience

Ratling Snipers start with 20+D6 experience. They advance in the same way as a usual ganger, but may only reach a maximum profile of:

M    WS   BS   S    T    W    I    A    Ld
5    2    6    3    3    2    7    3     8 

They can select skills from the Shooting and Stealth skills, as well as their special 'Ratling Skills'.

Ratling Skills

If the Ratling gains a new skill, it may be chosen from the special Ratling skills list. Roll a D6:

The Ratling can blend well into the shadows. In his turn, as long as he does not run, he can blend into the shadows. If someone attempts to shoot him, they only do so if they can roll a 4+ on a D6.
The ratling can crouch down, making himself a tiny target. In his turn, as long as he does not run, he can crouch. He counts as a small target, and is -1 to hit.
In his spare time, the ratling increases the strength of the venom in the Needle Rifle. Before a battle roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, the needles count as S4 until the next battle.
The ratling is experienced at shooting moving targets. He may shoot on overwatch without the -1 penalty.
The ratling prepares his beloved gun before every battle. Select 1 gun (if he has a needle rifle, it must be this). Add +1 to the roll for ammo rolls, but a 1 is always a fail.