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The Dreadnought

by Richard Irvine

A dreadnought is the mechanical sarcophagus of a Space Marine. Heavily armoured and laden with the most powerful of weapons, it is designed to deal with the most formidable of foes. Buried in the wastes of the Underhive for millennia, it has at last been stumbled upon. However, the uncultured underhivers aren't really cut out for Dreadnought maintenance, and as they blindly fumble around, the monster comes to life, and with guns blazing sets off on a trail of destruction.


Any number of gangs can take part in this scenario. The number of gang members who turn up is as follows.

1 gang: whole gang turns up.
2 gangs: 6 randomly determined members of each gang.
3 gangs: 5 randomly determined members of each gang.
4+ gangs: 4 randomly determined members of each gang.


Models may be deployed anywhere within 12" of the table edge, but not within 10" of any model from another gang. Players may use tunnels and vents. The dreadnought is placed in the centre of the table. He may not be in any cover, and he must be on ground level.


The dreadnought has the first go. Each player should roll a D6 to decide the order in which play continues.


Treat the dreadnought just like any other model (albeit a very hard one). At the start of each of its turns follow the sequence below to see what it does. It counts as a large object (+1 to hit). The Dreadnought cannot be pinned.

1. If there is a model within the Dreadnoughts charge range
and in his line of sight then it will charge into close combat.
2. If there are no enemies to charge, the dread will move
D6" in a random direction.
3. If the dread did not charge it will fire its Heavy Cannon
at the nearest enemy model.
4. Roll a D6. On the score of 5 or 6, it will fire its Great 
Blaster at the second nearest model.

The dreadnoughts profile is as follows:
6	5	5	6	NA	NA	2	4	10

The dreadnought carries three weapons:
POWER CLAW 		Close combat. Strength 6. Damage D3. Save mod -3.
HEAVY CANNON 	Range 40. Strength 5. Damage 1. Save mod -2. Ammo roll 4+. 2 sustained fire.
GREAT BLASTER	Range 60. Strength D6 +3. Damage D6. Save mod -6. Ammo roll 4+.


If you hit the dreadnought, then roll a D6, and check location on the table overleaf. Roll another D6 and add the result to the weapons strength. If it is equal to or more than the location's armour, the Dreadnought has been wounded. Remove a wound from that particular location. If all wounds have been removed from a location hit, then roll a further D6 to see the effect.

D6: Location

1: Legs (Wounds 3, Armour 8) 
If the location has no more wounds, roll a further D6.
1. The dread cannot move next turn.
2. The dread staggers D3" in a random direction.
3. The dread staggers D6" in a random direction.
4. Reduce the dread's M characteristic by D3.
5. The dread is immobilised.
6. A leg is blown off, and the dread falls, smashing into a thousand pieces.

2: Power Claw (Wounds 2, Armour 8)
If the location has no more wounds, roll a further D6.
1-3. The weapon cannot be used next turn
4-5. The weapon is destroyed. The dread now loses 1 attack, damage becomes 1, with no save modifier.
6.  The weapon explodes, and the dreadnought takes another strength 5 hit. Roll for location, etc., and                                                                                                                     roll  to see if the hit penetrates the armour as described overleaf.

3: Fixed Weapon
Randomly determine which gun is hit (each gun Wounds 2, Armour 8)
Roll a further D6
1-4. The weapon cannot be used next turn
5.   The weapon is destroyed.
6.   The weapon explodes, and the dreadnought takes automatic hit. Roll again to determine location and effect.

4-5: Hull (Wounds 3 Armour 9)
If the location has no more wounds, roll a further D6.
1.    The shot makes a big hole but causes no other damage
2.    Ammo feeds severed. All ammo rolls -1.
3-4. The dread staggers D6" in a random direction.
5-6. The dread explodes. All models within D6" take a strength 3 hit.

6: Engines (Wounds 3 Armour 9)
If the location has no more wounds, roll a further D6.
1.    The dread staggers forward D6"
2.    Fuel line blockage. All ammo rolls -1.
3-4. The dread is immobilised.
5.    Fuel leak. Roll a D6 at the start of every turn. On the roll of the 6 the dread explodes, as below.
6.    The dread explodes. All models within D6" take a strength 3 hit.


The game ends if all gangs have bottled out, or if the dread is destroyed. The winning gang is the gang who inflicted the hit which destroyed the Dreadnought.


+D6 Survives
+5 Wounding an enemy gang member
+6 Penetrated Dreadnought's armour
+10 Destroyed the Dreadnought
+10 Winning leader


If all of the gangs bottle out the dreadnought will destroy everything in its path and each gang who took part loses a randomly determined territory. If the dread did survive, any gang which did not bottle out gets D3 loot counters, worth D6X5 credits from scavenging destroyed material (this is added to normal income before calculating expenses). Each surviving gang, who did not bottle out, rolls a D6 adding +1 for each ganger still in action and +2 for each surviving heavy. A result of 6 or more allows a roll on the following table.

11 - 16		Material to construct carapace armour.
         Requires 50 credits 

21 - 23		Bio - Booster

24 - 26		Bio - Scanner

31 - 33		Grav Chute

34 - 36		Power Grapnel

41 - 42		Material for Bionic eye.  Requires 30 credits

43 - 44		Material for Bionic leg.   Requires 50 credits

45 - 46		Material for Bionic arm.  Requires 50 credits

51 - 53		Isotropic Fuel Rod

54 - 56		Skull chip

61 - 66		Power supply to convert Axe, Maul or 
sword into powered variety
		(Needs a heavy to do the work)