Aero Club of South Africa for sport and recreational flying in South Africa | This is probably the largest aviation organization in Africa. Located on the southern border of Mozambique, they are organizing a volunteer air relief project. This will provide transport of supplies and people freeing up helicopters for trips into otherwise inaccessible territory. 1/2003 |
MAF Home Page | Missionary Aviation Fellowship - This is a non-denominational Christian relief effort. 1/2003 |
Welcome to Nazarene Mission Aviation - Africa... | The Church of the Nazarene, my denomination, has recently delivered at least two plane loads of medical supplies which will treat 70,000 people for 3 months. This website is the official website of Nazarene Mission Aviation whose heacquarters is in Swaziland, south of Mozambique. (broken link 1/2003) |
CHANNEL AFRICA - Aviation news - via Shortwave, Satellite and Internet Radio | AFRICA'S AVIATION NEWS ROUNDUP by Ronald Devy . Up-dated Weekly - Listen in Real Audio to radio broadcast. 1/2003 |
Microlight Aviation in South Africa | The unofficial home page of Microlighters in South Africa. Updated regularly with oads of stories, pictures, events, destinations and people. Contains a comprehensive list of manufacturers of aircraft and accessories, training schools and microlight clubs. 1/2003 |
FlightNet Africa ! | Very nice website being developed. |
Yahoo! Regional>Countries>South Africa>Recreation and Sports>Aviation | |
Africair - Cessna aircraft & Bell helicopter Africa - African sales, aircraft, jets, helicopters, spare parts and support | |
Atalanta aviation and airport equipment suppliers | |
Virginia Flight School - Aviation and Weather Links | |
South Africa Civil Aviation Authority Flight Crew Licensing | |
Aerospace Africa Today (c) | |
Aviation Consultants | |
SA Flyer: Africa's premier Aviation & Travel Magazine | |
Welcome to Spinout Airsports | |
South African Aviation | A personal website. This site is excellent and has a huge photogallery of US military planes. Also contains a large photo gallery of Russian built airliners in use in South Africa. |
FlightNet Africa : CAA : Civil Aviation Authority | |
Powered Paragliding in South Africa | |
Cape Gliding Club - Home | |
Ggc Web | Glider club. Great pictures. |
The Magalies Gliding Club | |
Underberg Soaring Club. Gliding club in South Africa | |
Airports Company South Africa | Airport managing company. Extensive site. |
Chopper Flying Services South Africa | Helicopter flight training using Robertson and Euro copter equipment. |
default2.asp | ExecuJet. Classy website. |
SpesAero home page, South Africa | Aeronautical engineers. Helicopter modification. Sales of electronic Operator's Manual, hand held computer. |
South Africa: MI-8 Heavy Lift Helicopters | Heyns helicopters. Operates the largest civilian fleet of Russian built helicopters in Sout Africa including the MI 26, the largest in production helicopter in the world. |
South African Paragliding WWW Server | |
home.html | Aircraft Owners and Pilots Assocaiton - South Africa (AOPA) |