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DHot One's

My Valentine's

Two Souls One Heart

A Childs Prayer

Heart And Soul

Today Is Another Day

Freinds Forever

Best Part of Me

The Keeper

No More Hate


Moments Without You

My Love_Dedicated

Need Your Loving


My Beatles Tribute Page page 16

under construction page 17

under construction page 18

under construction page 19

under construction page 20



No matter how bad we want to,
one cannot bring back the past.

No matter how much we dream, we cannot predict the future.

Our dreams of the past and present can always come together and make up the future.

Dreams do come true for those who wish on them deep enough.

"Dreams" Copyrighted ©2001 ~Dream Angel~


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Thank You For Coming and Visiting My Page. It is still under CONSTRUCTION. So come on back again when you can. :-)

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AngelEyes Card Shoppe



Donna's Page 16


The Marriage of two Hearts came together 10/28/00 to make them one.

Whose Hearts you might ask? Donna and Charles.