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Critters Among The Flowers Garden

Critters Enjoy My Garden!!

..............................."Critters Enjoy My Garden!".....................Hope You Do Also!............................................EQofS <<;-D..................................

Elf Queen's Critters Among The Flowers.


The robin never looks
At last year's brittle nest,
Hushes his song, and feels
Grief tear his breast,

Only the human heart
Holds close its dearest things,
And bears the wounds, the scars,
Their going brings.


You may turn off the sound by clicking the square button on the controls.
~ MUSIC: Honey Honey ~

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Next To Dogs Enjoy My Garden - Come see my dog his bark is worse than his bite!!
Next To Wild Animals Enjoy My Garden - Wow! What big teeth you have? No wonder your a tiger!!
Next To Fantasy Critters Enjoy My Garden - Oh! My! Better come see these for yourself!!
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