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Welcome To My Personal Page

Hi! I am The Elf Queen Of Shannara!


Who was she?
Wren had always known that she was part
Rover and part a descendant of the long-ago Shea
Ohmsford. Her earliest memories were of playing
with the Ohmsford children until she was five,
when she was given to Garth, the deaf and dumb
Rover who had taught her all the skills of the
Rover life.
   Now even that was stripped from her. Garth
had finally admitted that both her parents had
been Elves. He could--or would-- tell her no
   But the Elves had been gone from the Four
Lands for more than a hundred years, and it
seemed impossible to her that they could have
survived the demons on Morrowindl for so long.
   Could she be the last of the Elves--the only true


Quote Taken From Book Three Of THE HERITAGE OF SHANNARA Series:

Welcome To My Personal Page!

No I am not really the Elf Queen of Shannara, that is just my online/chat name, LOL!

My real name is Char Jensen and I live in a teeny tiny little town called Eatonville in the Evergreen state of Washington. I live with the old Elf King, (not realy, he's more like the old Troll King, lol) in a double wide mobile home, along with my three cats the old one is Streak and the two young ones are Ashely & Cutie Pie.

I have three beautiful blonde daughters. They are 39 in September, 33 in April, and 30 in October.

I have three grand daughters by the oldest and they are Tonya 21 yrs. in October, Shayla, she would have been 15 yrs. in May but she suddenly passed away on October 29, 2005 of Lukemia and JaeLee 9 yrs in April. I have a grand daughter and a grandson by my middle daughter and they are Melissa 10 yrs. in August and Justin 7 yrs. in August. I have a grand daughter and a grandson by my youngest daughter her litte girl is Ce'Nedra 6 yrs in May, she named her after two of her favorite fantasy characters no one of the names is not from the Elf Queen Of Shannara LOL! Her very favorite fantasy characters are Ce'Nedra from the Belgariad series written by David Eddings and Kahlan from the Wizard's First Rule written by Terry Goodkind, if you like fantasy I recommend you read them, I don't think you would be dissapointed in them. She had her second child a boy he is Alexander 5 yrs. in December and yes she picked a favorite fantasy characters name out for him but only for his middle name, she named him Alexander Taylen but his daddy messed up and spelled it Taylon on his birth certificate, LOL! My oldest grand daughter had a little girl in May 2004 so I am now a great grandmother.

I have no real life sons, so I adopted a cyberson, he is Mike McCormick his chat name is Vanhalin he was a chat regular in Titans Tavern, he lives in Canada, I haven't heard from him in many years now so I hope he is doing well and living a good life. I Love Ya! My Cyberson Mike!!!

I have also adopted another cyberson, he is Dave his chat name is Dave's Not Here Man, he is/was another chat regular in Titans Tavern, he lives in California. I haven't heard from him in many years either, so I hope he is doing well and living a good life also. I also have adopted a cyberdaughter, she is Sarah her chat name is Honey or Honey Tiger, she is/was also a chat regular in Titans Tavern, she lives in Oregon. I haven't heard from her in a very long time so I hope she is also doing well and living a good life. All the Titans Tavern regulars are family to me, even though I have not been in chat for a very long time myself, (I love you guys!) they are all my family!!!


I am a Domestic Engineer in other words a housewife, <S> I used to love to go to Titans Tavern and Chat with my friends online, but now I am creating Desktop Themes, making stationery for my Outlook Express email, creating tutorials for Paint Shop Pro 7.04 & Paint Shop Pro 8 might have some later for Paint Shop Pro 9 later also and keeping up with all creative groups and my other websites, I was a Host in Titans Tavern in November of '98' to October of '99', when I'm online and not on my other web pages or checking out my friends' web sites or off line playing a new fantasy game like Pool of Radiance, Roller Coaster Tycoon, or any other ones I have or get from my kids, BTW you may check out my Theme of the Heroes of Might & Magic or Warcraft themes from the games at my Themes website. I'm usally checking my email or creating new things in PSP aka Paint Shop Pro. <<;­-D

Halloween is my favorite time of the year, I used to love to make cool costumes, I made a Sorceress Dress & Wizard Coat some years ago. A few of my friends wanted to use it on Halloween the year I created them! LOL! I have made other costumes for my friends & my family. My ex-sister-in-law had to be a carrot for Easter one year, so guess who got to make the costume, my ex-sister-in-law is 5' 11" so that was a very tall carrot, LOL!! <S> It turned out pretty good if I do say so my self. <S> My daughter had me alter a dress for her costume for halloween of 98, she was the girl on the Titanic, Rose, yes she had to dye her hair red, 'cause as I said before she is a blonde.

I used to make all kinds of things like glass etching (the glass etching is now down to using PSP on my PC, I can't see the fine details anymore, that's what happens to ya when you get old, LOL!), crochet, maccrame, knitting, painting I loved all these but they have pretty much gone by the way side my PC and PSP have taken they're place now I do it all with that, LOL! I love Unicorns, so I painted a Unicorn one time with acrylics and an airbrush I have also made a theme with it called Ghost Unicorn which you may find at EZThemes site under that name, beware of the adware and pop-ups. My brother had me paint him a 57 Chevy Belair, my nephew saw it & had to have one also, LOL!! So I painted one up for him too, he still had it up 'till September of 2003 when his house burned down and he parished in the fire. My brother still had his but since he has moved I have no idea if he still has it.

The only other hobbies I have besides those are reading Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Horror stories, among my favorite authors besides Terry Brooks are Piers Anthony, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, David Eddings, Terry Goodkind, and Anne McCaffrey, just to name a few, just too many to put down all of them. <S>

I love watching the same kind of movies as my reading material and I also love adventure movies & Disney, movies such as Die Hard, Dirty Harry, Beverley Hills Cop just to name a few movies, Lady and the Tramp, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Honey! I Shrunk the Kids, Big, Captain Hook, etc. I like some comedy, but no slapstick stuff, no three stooges, yuckers. I like Tim Allen in the Santa Claus, roflol. Now that was funny and the Galaxy Quest also very funny!! One of my all time favorite movies is Split Second but it's not for kids, it's a sci-fi movie set in the not to distant future and another one is Water World it is also a sci-fi flick set in the future, another one is Independance Day and Dragon Heart not to forget Bravehart with that cutie Mel Gibson. LOL! Well I can't name all of the movies I like I would just fill up this page with movies. <S>

.................."Hope You Have A Very Wonderful Thanksgiving & Christmas Day and you folks that don't celebrate the Holidays then you just have a Wonderful Day!"....................Page By Elfie Creations ...........<<;­-).................

It is fall going into winter it's getting cold most days here in Washington state, it's wet and rainy and we have had a bit of snow now and then the children will be out of school for the winter break in the U.S.A. <<;­-)!!, Take Care & visit the rest of my site, I have a Unicorn & Eagle on my home page, many different flowers and animals in my garden, and Dragons at my Castle. Thanks for stopping by & please remember to sign my guestbook & I will try to remember to email a personal thank you for signing it, but if not please forgive me if I don't get a personal email off to you! If you don't want to sign it then thanks for at least lookin' in and have a wonderful day. <<;­-) EQofS

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Updated On: October 18, 2005 Please forgive me and disregaurd this information if it is totaly out dated I am so busy with my themes and email creative groups etc. I can't always remember to get to this to update it. Thanks for understanding and Take Care!<<;­-) EQofS

I recieved Michelle's Graphics Site of Beauty Award on February 28, 2005!
Thanks Michelle!

Elf Queen's Castle & Domain Links

Elf Queen's Castle & Domain - My Home Page! Where Justice the Unicorn & My Eagle Gaurd This Page!
Elf Queen's Castle - Here Is Where My Dragon Skybowl & My Knight In Shining Armor Protect My Domain!
Elf Queen's Dugeon - Awesome Scary Place, What Ever You Do Don't Go In The Water You Don't Know What May Be Lurking There!!!!
Elf Queen's Domain Part II - Where My Wizard Fends Off An Attack From A Black Dragon!!!!
Elf Queen's Fantasy Critters Enjoy My Garden - See The Kewl Blue Dragons In There Icy Layer!!!!
My Themes Site - If You Would Like To See Previews and/or D/L Themes This Is Where You Will Find Mine And Some Links To Many Other Wonderful Creators!
My Stationeries - If You Use Outlook Express Or Equivalent For Your Email This Is Where You May Get A Few Of Them!
This is for my WWB group lessons for PSP & HTML!