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Welcome To Elf Queen's Ocean

..................Welcome To Elf Queen's Ocean Page!....................This Page Is Dedicated to My Yongest Daughter Dolphlover.....................And Everyone Else That Loves Dolphins!...........<<'-).......................

Elf Queen's Ocean!


Most of us can afford to
take a lesson from the oyster.
The most extraordinary thing
about the oyster is this.
Irritations get into his shell.
He does not like them;
But when he cannot get rid
of them he settles down to
make of them one of the most
beautiful things in the world.
He uses the irritation to do
the loveliest thing that an
oyster ever has a chance to do.
If there are irritations
in our lives today, there
is only one prescription:
make a pearl. It may have to
be a pearl of patience,
but, anyhow, make a pearl. And it
takes faith and love to do it.


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