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Welcome To Elf Queen's Rose Garden

Elf Queen's Rose Garden

..................Welcome To Elf Queen's Roses Page!....................Watch Yourself! Don't Get Stuck By The Thorns.....................Enjoy!...........<<;-).......................

Elf Queen's Roses.


If you doubt there is a God, look deep into a rose;
See the velvet petals from the folded bud unclose;
Note the tint and texture and the lovely coloring;
Could blind Nature of itself evolve so fair a thing?
Feel the softness of the petal, breathe the fragrant scent;
Need you waste another thought on further argument?
Here is proof of a Creator: God made manifest;
In this little rose we see divinity expressed.


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Elf Queen's Roses Links

Back To Elf Queen's Home Page - You may want to come back to the home page!!
Next To Elf Queen's Red Rose Garden - Here you will see my red rose you can almost smell it's fragrance!!
Next To Elf Queen's White Rose Garden - Yes an stunning white rose for your eyes to feast on!!
Next To Elf Queen's Pink Rose Garden - Pretty in pink the rose is so dellicate!!
Next To Elf Queen's Yellow Rose Garden - The yellow rose of Texas is a favorite!!