This series is written by CLAMP, who has also written other manga such as Magic Knight Rayearth, Tokyo Babylon, Clamp Campus Detectives, RG Veda, and a bunch of other cool stuff. Mixx magazine is currently translating Magic Knight Rayearth into English. X/1999, on the other hand, has not finished its serialization in Japan yet, but also being run on Animerica Extra Magazine right now. There's also a movie called X- the Movie, which is one and a half hours long, as well as X², which is a half an hour music video with artbook pictures from X/1999 accompanied by music from the band X-Japan.
OK, on with the story: The year is 1999, and the main character, Camui, has the power to either join the seven Dragons of Heaven to save the earth, or join the seven Dragons of Earth to destroy humanity. Of course, for you and me the decision would be obvious; however, Camui has had such a sad and traumatic past that he really doesn't care. The only people in the world who he cares about is his childhood sweetheart, Kotori, and her bigger brother Fuuma. Warning: This is a sad story with a tragic ending! People die! Just wanted to warn you before you decide to rip manga #8 and #9 into little tiny shreds. Of course, it might not end out so sad after all -- CLAMP hasn't finished the manga series yet -- but I do know that X- the Movie had an extremely sad ending (I was beginning to wonder if the producers simply wanted to see how many characters they could get the viewers to care for and then be killed off in the quickest time possible). However, since the movie was made in the middle of the manga series, the manga is now very different from the movie and might even have a different conclusion.
Rating: PG-13
Nudity: Some. Not very graphic in my opinion.
Story Line: Too many people die too fast.
Comedy: None.
Violence: A lot
Genre: Apocalyptic anime.
Total Rating: 8/10