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Brought to you by The Cyber Bat

This web site was updated on 31st January 2001

If you have any comments or Fanficion please email me <..>

This site was released to the public in 22 July 1999

  1. The Diary

  2. Obtaining Nirvanah

  3. Red Dwarf In Oz

  4. Perchance To Dream

  5. Changes

  6. Survival Of The Lowest (2 parts)

  7. In Living Memory

  8. The Other End

  9. Red Dwarf 8 Draft Script

  10. What Really Happened Between Series 6 & 7

  11. Children In Need Sketch

  12. Twilight Zone Of Red Dwarf

  13. The Care And Feeding Of Your Cat

  14. A Woman's Needs

  15. Artificial Relief

  16. Cat Games

  17. Beltane

  18. Pink Dwarf

  19. Silicon Heaven

  20. Alternative Red Dwarf

  21. Dwarf Quest

  22. Strip Poker Scene

  23. Boyz From The Disc

  24. The Boyz From The Dwarf Meet Rocky Horror

  25. Love Hexagon

  26. War Games

  27. Attack Drill

  28. Birth-Place, Birth-Time

  29. General Red Dwarf Fan-Fic

  30. Petty Behaviour

  31. Light Bee

  32. Flashback: Kochanksi's story

  33. Ace Rimmer story 1

  34. Ace Rimmer story 2

  35. Star Trek (The Next Generation) Meets Red Dwarf

  36. Star Trek, The Smeggy Generation

  37. The Breach Babylon5 meets red dwarf

  38. Done it

  39. Hello Bob

  40. The Gap

  41. Changes this is different from the one with the same title

  42. The Best Laid Plans

  43. The Birth 2 parts

  44. Rimmer's Diary

  45. Rescue 2 parts

  46. What Are The Chances

  47. Alter egos

  48. Diamond Giza 2 parts

  49. Transmutation 2 parts

  50. Sentiomorph 2 parts

  51. Gajimbacitis

  52. Pickled Lister

  53. Pickled Rimmer

  54. Pickled Kryten

  55. Pickled Hollister

  56. Pickled Duane

  57. 3 Births And A Funeral