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This summer my grandpa and I and my cusins took a trip to Yellowstone national park. We had a great time. It was about a couple thousand miles away from home here in graham Washington. I took us at least five days. When we got there we got to see a lot of beautiful sights. Probably something you would not see any wear else. Before we got in to yellow stone we made a quick stop and at a lake that was called earthquake lake, which was caused by an earthquake. It is a very pretty lake. We decided to stay at a campsite right out of west Yellowstone. Which was called Grizzly Park. The park it self is a really nice park. In yellow stone we saw many different animals and many different scenery’s. My favorite part about being there was looking at the animals. I like looking at the elk and antelope and the others. Old faithful turned out to be really cool. When we got there we had to wait about a half hour tell it went off but it was worth the wait. Right after that went off there was a big thunderstorm, which was pretty cool. The wind started to take off and we saw many trees fall. The craters and the hot springs can be really dangerous. You want to stay on the sidewalk when you are there. Right after we left there was an accident with a worker there. She was messing around with a few guys and she fell in and got killed. Yellowstone is about 90 miles wide and 70 miles is the width. There are plenty of gift shops right out of Yellowstone and inside there. After we were at Yellowstone we decided to go down to Salt Lake City Utah. That is the hottest place I have been to in my life. It was a hundred and 5 degrees. I am not used to that weather I live in way the rain state. We stayed at a place called Cherry Hill, which was a neat little place. It had a water park inside and also had a putt putt golf course inside. So we stayed there for a couple days. After that we decided to go to crater lake at the bottom of Oregon. That is the coolest looking lake. Which was caused by a volcan. They have many wild animals there. After that we decided to head home after a fun two weeks.

Crater Lake