Hello, and thanks for stopping by. I will try to explain a
little bit about IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and how to use
it on your WebTV™ terminal.
I suppose we should start with a little bit about what IRC is.
IRC is a "real time" chat format that uses internet servers all
over the web to communicate. You can go to any IRC server on
the net and enter rooms and chat with people all over the world.
One thing to keep in mind though, is that some IRC servers are
only available at certain times of the day, week, month, etc.
So some servers will not be available all the time.
The IRC server that most
of you will be familiar with is Talk
City, but it is only one of hundreds of "channels" available
to talk to people on (below, you will find some of the servers
that I use). The basic commands that you use will stay the same
through out all of the IRC sites.
There are only 6 basic commands that WebTv™ can use at this
point. They include "/who", "/whois", "/me", "/msg",
"/join", and "/topic". To use these commands you will need
to type then into the text entry window first. Do not
type anything before the command or it will not work. be sure
that the only spaces in the command are between the command and
the "handle", and between the "handle" and the message.
1. /who - this command will show you a list of everyone that is in the room that you are in.
2. /whois "handle" - this command will tell you additional information on the person who's handle you type in. However if the person didn't put additional information in when they entered it won't show anything. People that are using WebTV™ will just show handle is handle (ie. bob is bob). This command will work on anyone that is on the same server as you (ie. Talk City), and it doesn't matter if you are in the same room or not. If the person you are looking for isn't on the same server as you then you will get a message like this - "handle is not known".
3. /me - this command will allow you to show "action". simply type the command in then a space then the action you want to use, ie. "/me is looking for bob". When it is posted on the screen for others to see, it will look like this, "handle is looking for bob", but your handle will appear in place of the word handle.
4. /msg "handle" - If you type this command in followed by a space then the handle of a person you wish to talk to followed by a message, only that person will see the message. An example of this would be like this - "/msg "handle" hi, how are you doing?". this would only be able to be seen by the person who's handle you typed in and yourself. You can also "click" on the whisper button on the sidebar and checkmark the person you wish to send a private message to then type in the message and click the send button. The "/msg" command will work between rooms on the same server, but will not work from one server to another.
5. /join "room name" - This command will allow you to go directly from one room to another. All you have to do is type in the command, a space, and the room name.
6. /topic - This command will allow you to change the room topic. (NOTE: this command will not work on most rooms) To use this command you simply type in the command, a space, and the new topic. If it works there will be a "yellow" post that shows the new topic of the room.
I will be adding the server addresses in the near future.