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Production and On-Air Aircheck for Dustin Bell
206-778-9398 - 425-454-1839

View or Download my Current Resume Here

*Files are compressed into MP3 files -- sacrificing quality for internet download speed.

Click on a file to listen with the appropriate plug-in (typically MS Media Player, Quicktime, or Real Networks G2 Player)

Filename / Length / Description

CRE99A.WAV ___Mb - Live call-in to America Today on KGNW 820 Seattle from Creation West Festival 1999 at the Gorge at George, Wasington.

Track_20_MP3.wav 183 Kb - Completely automated voicetrack (Pre-produced, inserted by automation) KHTR "Hot 104" 104.3 FM, Pullman, Washington.

Track_15_MP3.wav 412 Kb - :60 Sec Produced Spot for Summer Music Festival, Vancouver, Washington.

Track_17_MP3.wav 608 Kb - Produced Feature Package, OHHS Graduation, KJTT "Jet Radio" 1110 AM, Oak Harbor, Washington.

Track_16_MP3.wav 408 Kb - Produced news package, city council protest, KJTT "Jet Radio" 1110 AM, Oak Harbor, Washington.

Track_04_MP3.wav 483 Kb - Live Ski-Swap Call-In at WSU, KHTR "Hot 104" 104.3 FM, Pullman, Washington.

jesusfr3.wav 744 Kb - Christian Cheer Mix - Multitrack remix/edit production for performance/competition team.

sea2.wav 583 Kb - Mainstream Cheer Mix for all-star squad out of Kansas.