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DISCLAIMER: Let’s see now...I own Solana, Kallin, a little baby, and myself. Anyone else is owned by whomever created DragonBallZ and Christopher Khayman Lee owns himself. BTW, Hana means “Flower” in Japanese.


As the Sun Smiles:



A lump rose in my throat as I neared the hospital room containing Solana and Kallin.  I was taking their baby daughter with me so they would be able to see her one last time.  The brave saiyajins had been injured beyond repair in a heated battle and there were no ripe senzu beans or rescued rejuvenation tanks.  I glanced down at the baby girl held in my arms.  She was sleeping so peacefully with her little tail wrapped around my arm.  As I came to the dreaded room, I took a deep breath and entered.

“Solana, Kallin.  I thought you might like to see your daughter again before you die.” Solana smiled a weak smile at me before replying.

“Sarah,” she began, “Kallin and I have something to request of you.”

“What is it?” I asked with piqued curiosity. Kallin took a deep breath.

“We don’t want our daughter to go to an orphanage. Instead, we would be greatly honored if you would take her in and raise her as your own.” Needless to say, I was in shock.

“NANI!?!? You’re kidding, right? I mean, I’m only sixteen! What do I know about raising a child—let alone, a SAIYAJIN child!” Solana coughed as she looked at me with pleading eyes. “And what about her name?  You still haven’t given her one!”

“We *cough* thought we’d leave *cough* that up to you,” answered Solana.  I couldn’t take it anymore.  I mean, these people were DYING and I was trying to refuse them their last request!

“All right.  I’ll do it.  You can count on me,” I slowly began, “I promise I’ll take good care of her. Oh, and her name shall be Hana Jessica Sun.” I could tell they were pleased with my decision.  Then, as they smiled one last time, Kallin and Solana died. My boyfriend, Chris, drove me home as I remained lost in thought as to how I was going to pull this one off.



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