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Hello. My name is Sarah and I am your webmistress for this site. This website started out as a single page filled with randomness back when I was 13 or so; hence the title.
It all started with a curious dream. A curious dream to make a webpage filled with my interests. I made that page... back before I knew HTML and it wasn't the best. lol All I'd managed to have was a giant paragraph filled with random craziness and a guestbook.
When I finally learned HTML in 9th grade (age 14) I was thrilled. And, thus, my webpage became a website.
And now it is 2006 and my site still exists. Go me.

1/27/2008:I made this history page for my website. After having left the above image and paragraph up for well over a year, I have finally decided to put up something new. Something that will celebrate 2008 instead of 2006. Nevermind that I skipped 2007. That's all schematics. ;p
2/2/2008: Began serious work on giving ~My Crazy Page~ a face-lift.
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