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You know I look at each of these pictures and I have more, and in all of them I'm smiling and having a good time, which is deceptive as hell, because I got the crap beat out of me! And the worst of it is I paid that guy to hurt me! It's as though I'm a masochist or something; 'Here. Here's another hundred bucks, beat me up again for a month.' The good news is that as a result of all the kicks I must have had thighs the size of tree trunks because when I left Korea, I had to get the biggest pair of pants I owned and wore them on the plane, and they were still too tight

I never did get my black belt test -

Any one who brags to you that they can kick your butt because they know Tae Kwan Do, doesn't really know it./ This is the first thing they teach you, and in my Do Jang I had to sign a form saying why I was there and that I wouldn't go around making trouble,. Tae Kwan Do is a sport like any other sport- there is a right way and a wrong way of doing it, if you hurt someone or get hurt yourself, you are doing it wrong. It's like someone saying; 'Yeah, I could kick you're but cuz I know golf' ... To me it's the same thing. The other thing that they tell you is that belt color doesn't mean much. Much ( I will tell the story in a bit ) In Korea all men who finish the army get a black belt regardless, so I am told. And I tend to believe it too because the most formidable opponents I ever spared were not Koreans with black belts but other foriegners, with other colored belts--- except one...

RELAX GENE!!! ( I am relaxed )

There was this short, old, fat guy, who looked like a Korean version of Lou Costello with a black belt and we were going to spar one on one, the rest of the class was going to look on. I took one look at this guy and remembered rule number two, belt doesn't mean much. I figured- this ain't gonna take long, so we spar. There he was older then than I am now. and there I was in my prime, you can see for yourselves. we went at it, I was going light duty for his sake, I didn't want to hurt the guy, right? Wrong. After about a few minutes I want to wrap this up, I've had enough, so I lay a few kicks on him for show more than anything else --- AND HE BEAT THE STUFFING OUTTA ME!! I had unleashed his boundless white-hot terror upon me and was forced to coil up in one corner of the mat in mortal fear. man I was spooked, I had no idea this guy could move like that. That is one lesson I take with me forever; Never underestimate you opponent.

duck duck -goose, duck duck -goose, duck duck -I'm gonna kick your ass!

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