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Travel Pix

Some shots of me in exotic locations

Hong Kong '97

Taken on Victoria Peak months after the 'handover' There's a trail there, you can walk around the peak and see the ocean. Not bad, I was there twice, the second time was surreal, I overstayed my visa in Taiwan and was not likely to get another one, while in mid air I realized I didn't have any money, they were having the chicken flu virus and ( you guessed it ) I saw a chicken that wasn't hanging in the window

Lin Gardens in Taiwan

It's quite a famous place in Taipei. If you haven't been to Taipei than you're just gonna have to take my word on it!


This is me standing on the the coast of Taiwan, like an idiot, while a typhoon is blowing the sea to and fro. That's 'Turtle Rock' in the back there... not long after this was taken, someone told me to move... then the whole area was flooded with sea water from a wave over 20 feet high!

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