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Gorsha Family Photo Album

The Thumbnail Pictures Below Are All ImageLinks to Larger Pictures of the Mary Knaus Gors'e Family
Is this a young Marija Pucelj Knaus Gor�e?Is this a young Marija Pucelj Knaus Gors'e?
1870 Mary Gorsha FamilyIs this Marija Pucelj Knaus Gors'e with her parents and two of her three brothers in the 1870's in Slovenia?
1888 Frank Gorsha on chairIs this Franc'is'ek Gors'e at about 2 years old in Slovenia in about 1888?
Early Gors'e FamilyWho are these people in Slovenia? Is this Marija Pucelj Knaus Gors'e with her children: Mary Knaus (Mrs. Frank Indihar-to-be); John Knaus; Johanna Gors'e, (Mrs. John Dolinar-to-be); and Frank Gors'e?
Mary Knaus IndiharThis is Mary Knaus Indihar.
1912 John and Frances Knaus 1st CommunionIs this John and Frances Knaus after their First Holy Communion?
1895 Frank Gorsha 1st CommunionIs this also John Knaus after his First Holy Communion or later Confirmation?
1905 Frank [Gors'e] Gorsha & John KnausFrank [Gors'e] Gorsha and John Knaus in about 1905 at A. M. Turnquist studios in Eveleth, MN
Zadnik / Knaus Daughters' CommunionIs this Franc'is'ka Gors'e Zadnik with her daughter, Margaret, standing next to Mary Knaus (Mrs. John Knaus) and her daughter, Mary Knaus, in about 1920?

Page Created: March 4, 2000

Page Updated: August 22, 2005

�Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Gary L. Gorsha