Card Sharks Questions

We Surveyed...the QuestionAnswer
100 peopleDo you think people who claim to have seen UFOs are crazy?
100 married menWould you share your wife with a friend, as is Eskimo custom?
100 psychiatristsGenerally, does watching soap opera characters solve their problems help a woman to make the same decisions in real life?
100 bachelorsCould you make a decent meal from what is in your refrigerator right now?
100 inmatesIf presented the perfect opportunity to escape, would you make a break for it?
100 married menIf you were stranded on a desert island, would you rather be alone than stranded only with your mother-in-law?
100 menHave you ever slapped a woman's face to stop her from getting hysterical?
100 househusbands:Do you follow any soap operas regularly?
100 Catholic PriestsDo miracles still happen?
100 Senior Citizen women Do you still have a piece of your wedding cake?
100 Women Pro Wrestlers During a romantic moment, has a man ever said, “Please stop, you’re hurting me”?
100 Congressmen In the 1980s, are Americans going to have to lower their standard of living?
100 mothers with young sons Have you ever reached into a pocket on laundry day, only to find something reaching back at you?
100 psychiatrists Is a wife’s success in business a threat to the marriage?
100 people When you look at yourself naked in the mirror, are you disappointed?
100 male business executives If the most qualified applicant for a job came in 30 minutes late, would you hire him anyway?
100 people Would you fly on an airplane if the Captain came aboard wearing a parachute?
100 married women Are you married to a cheapskate?
100 single women If the man of your dreams proposed, but said “You weren’t my first choice, would you marry him anyway?
100 married menDo you enjoy making your wife jealous?
100 child psychiatristsDo you think it is harmful for a 13-year-old boy to have a pin-up poster on his bedroom wall?
100 male business executivesIf you found out the bank you work with was run by a woman, would you change?
100 single womenHave you ever lost a man because you said "yes" too quickly?
100 married womenIf you were unable to have children, would you adopt a baby your husband fathered with another woman?
100 policemenHave you ever stopped someone, just to give them a warning, and ended up giving them a ticket because they were so rude?
100 bachelorsDo you like it when a woman turns the tables and chases you?
100 nine year olds Do your parents hide your presents in a place you’ve known about for years?
married women Does your husband tell you who to vote for?
psychiatrists If a woman is bored with her marriage, can she become a better wife by having an affair?
business economists Is the US headed for another Great Depression?
mothers Whas your first born before you were married nine months?
single women Have you ever run into an old friend you were still dreaming about, only to find she didn't remember your name?
first gradersDo you close your eyes when people kiss on TV because it's too gross to watch?
dog ownersHas one of your dogs ever mistaken your guests' legs for a fire hydrant?
people Is a person who steals $100 at gunpoint a worse criminal than an executive who embezzles $10,000 from his company?
female business executives If you were the only woman in the meeting, and your boss asked you to make coffee, would you do it?
married menWhen you and your wife have an argument, does she usually get the last word?
fathersHave you ever had to rush out Christmas morning because Santa forgot batteries?
single womenIs it okay for a woman to ask a man for a date?
3rd grade boys If a girl showed up to play and was a good basketball player, would you let her?
married menIn the past week, has your wife said, “I told you so?”
10 yr old boys Have you ever unwrapped a gift early, then re-wrapped it so no one would know?
single women> Has a man ever asked for a lock of your hair as a keepsake?
Catholic priests Is it a sin for a person to undergo a sex change operation?
people If there were a magic pill that would keep you from being sad and happy, would you take it?
100 married women: In a restaurant, have you ever been so embarrased by your husband's skimpy tip that you snuck a little on the table yourself?: 22
100 San Quentin inmates: Since you've been in prison, have your fellow inmates taught you to be a better criminal?: 51
100 marriage counselors: If a bride is nervous about her honeymoon, is it a good idea to bring her mother along?: 0
100 Doctors: Are the new diet (non-prescription) pills effective?: 14
100 millionaires: Can money buy happiness?: 30
100 psychiatrists: If a man is unfaithful during an engagement, is he likely to be unfaithful during the marriage?: 89
100 3rd graders: Have you ever had to wait hours for dad to put together a toy that says "easily assembled"?: 72
100 Americans: Do you think it's wrong for the US Government to drill for oil on sacred Native American sites?: 72
100 womens-libbers: If you were offered a great job, great salary and benefits, but knew you were the token female just for show, would you take it anyway?: 76
100 married women: At bedtime, have you ever left your husband waiting while you change into a sexy nightgown, only to find him fast asleep?: 33
100 people: Do you think draft dodgers should be sent to jail?: 42
100 women: Have you ever killed a bug with hairspray?: 26
100 people: Should partents spank their 14-year-old when he misbehaves?: 06
100 5th graders: Do you know whether the Pope is a man or woman?: 63
100 9-year-old boys: If you dressed exactly as mom wanted, would all the kids at school laugh at you?: 52
100 policewomen: If you caught mom speeding, would you give her a ticket?: 21
100 men: When you take a bath, do you have a favorite toy?: 11>br? 100 married men: If it were possible, would you be willing to have a baby?: 17
100 senior girls: Do you like it when a boy kisses you on the first date?: 86
100 senior citizens: Would you like to be young again?: 47
100 pregnant mothers: Do you plan to have your baby at home?: 02
100 people: If most of the citizens in a town want legalized prostitution, should they get it?: 71
100 single mothers: If you could afford a harem of handsome men, would you want it?: 37
100 plumbers: Are you a millionaire?: 01
100 newlywed women: If you could spend every hour of every day with your husband, would you want to?: 39
100 prisoners: Would you be nervous if your appointed lawyer was female?: 08
100 kids in integrated schools: Do you think bussing is fair?: 65
100 top oil executives: Confidentially, Do you go to work in a carpool?: 00
100 bachelors: At the end of your most expensive date, did she say "yes"?: 52
100 people: Should parents have the right to censor books used at school?: 67
100 men in Rome who drive: Have you ever yelled something at another driver you'd never want your mother to hear?: 92
100 Catholic priests: If a prisoner willed his ill-gotten estate to the church, would you accept it?: 55
100 housewives: Do you clean house better for your company than you do for your family?: 42
100 females who chose pregnancy without marriage: Did you trick a man into getting you pregnant?: 13
100 people: Have you ever dreamed you were naked in public?: 24
100 married women: If you had the chance to have a romantic night with anyone on earth, would it be your husband?: 69
100 inmates: Do you think you should have gotten a longer sentence?: 32
100 bachelors: Is it important for a bride to be a virgin?: 64
100 men business executives
If Jimmy Carter applied for a job, would you hire him?: 18
100 psychiatrists: Do you think the womens' liberation movement cause more women to need help?: 81
100 Russians: Do you believe what you read about the USSR in the US Press?: 80
100 priests: Have you ever thought seriously about leaving the priesthood?: 25
100 US Congressmen: Do you think it is the Federal Government's responsibility that all Americans have an acceptable standard of living?: 33
100 bachelors: Would you marry a woman you were in love with even if she were pregnant with another man's baby?: 28
100 people: If you could cut your fuel bill in half by switching to elephant-dung fuel, would you?: 84
100 single women: When you say "no" to a man's romantic advances, do you hope he'll keep trying?: 40
100 NYC Police: For $100, would you spend a day on patrol without your gun?: 43
100 female business executives: Is a man responsible for your success?: 56
100 children in a family with 10 or more members: Have you ever missed out on dessert because you didn't eat fast enough?: 37
100 married men: Are you henpecked?: 10
100 doctors: Do you think acupuncture works?: 70
100 marriage counselors: Does having a baby help a troubled marriage?: 02
100 bachelors: On a first date, do you expect more than a goodnight kiss?: 49
100 married women: Has your spouse ever been too proud to take your advice, and then lived to regret it?: 59
100 Playboy Bunnies: Are you a college graduate?: 17
100 inmates: in a battle between the best cop and the best crook, will the best crook win?: 77
100 single men over 65 and dating: Have you received a marriage proposal since turning 65?:
100 self-proclaimed male chauvinists agains women's liberation: Do you ever think there will be a woman president of the US?: 43
100 bartenders: Have you ever seen a patron cry in his beer?: 70
100 women: Have you ever spent a whole day sunbathing for a golden bronze tan, only to turn lobster red?: 73
100 bachelors: Have you ever been so in love you wanted only for her to be happy, even if it were with someone else?: 37
100 senior citizen women: Has a Boy Scout helped you across the street?: 07
100 married men: Should a man whose wife was stolen be able to sue for damages?: 49
100 people: Do you agree that teenage girls should have to get permission to read "Ms." magazine?: 31
100 men: Would you like mini-skirts to come back in style again?: 60
100 people: Do you approve of having non-violent convictees to work without pay to help the poor and elderly?: 86
100 plumbers: Have you ever gotten part of your body stuck in a pipe?: 48
100 3rd graders: Which is worse, getting spanked now or having to wait until dad gets home? How many said waiting is worse?: 43
100 bachelors: Whould you rather marry an old-fashion ed girl than a womens-libber?: 77
100 pregnant women: Was this pregnancy a surprise?: 48
100 marriage counselors: If a couple signs a pre-nuptual agreement, are they more likely to divorce?: 28
100 women who are professional truck drivers: When you drive by a good looking man, do you whistle at him?: 41
100 feminists in NOW: Did you ever burn your bra?: 04
100 married men: If you and your wife kept a parrot, and one day he said "I love you, Big Al" would you be suspicious?: 69
100 Americans: If the price is right, would you buy a Russian car (in 1981)?: 12
100 Actors and Actresses in Hollywood: Have you ever had to be nice to someone you didn't like in order to get a job?: 53
100 married women: When your husband is in a romantic mood, but you're not, do you feel guilty?: 53
100 people divorced seven times or more: Honestly, are you a difficult person to live with?: 47
100 single women: When a man buys you expensive gifts, does it make you more willing to put out?: 27
100 engaged women: Does your engagement right have a diamond?: 89
100 people: If prostitution were legal, should they be allowed to Unionize?: 58
100 wives: Has your husband ever said something so embarrasing in front of people that you wished the floor would open up and swallow you?: 58
100 people: Should the federal government be required to balance its budget?: 88
100 men whose wives are homemakers: When you leave for work in the morning, is your wife asleep?: 49
100 married women: Have you ever broken a plate over your husband's head?: 03
100 men: Right now, are you wearing something under your clothes that makes your figure look better than it is?: 10
100 people: Have you ever made an ugly face at someone's back, and had that person turn around and catch you doing it?: 50
100 mailmen: Be honest, do you know your own zip code?: 99
100 men in their 20s: Are older women really better?: 53
100 people; Have you ever told someone, "The check is in the mail," when it really wasn't?: 36
100 bachelors: Do you like kissing a woman who is wearing flavored lipstick?: 64
100 child psychiatrists: Can the name a baby is given at birth change his or her personality?: 43
100 Senior Citizen women: If a woman falls out of love with her husband, but they continue to stay good friends, should they stay married?: 67
100 millionaires: If you could double your wealth by doing so, would you sell your soul to the Devil?: 03
100 men in Mexico City: If a young man got your 18-year-old daughter pregnant, would you force him to marry her?: 12
100 people who have a pig as a pet: If a local butcher offered you $5,000 for your pig, would you sell it?: 67
100 13 year old girls: Does it seem like its taking forever to grow up?: 91
100 men over 80 years old: Hace you ever necked in the rumble seat of a car?: 42
100 psychiatrists: Is the average American less mentally stable than he was 50 years ago?: 47
100 3rd grade kids: Have you eaten a dog biscuit?: 12
100 doctors: Generally speaking, does smoking marijuana lead a person to hard drugs?: 53
100 men: How many would want to change their sex every five years?: 19
100 bachelors: Have you evr kept something in your refrigerator so long that you can't tell what it is anymore?: 49
100 married men: Is your wife your best friend?: 91
100 business executives: Have you ever fired a man because he couldn't take orders from a woman?: 13
100 first graders: Someday, would you like to have a kid like you?: 59
100 single women seeing married men: Have you gotten your own way by threatening to tell his wife about the two of you?: 07
100 people: Would you like to be able to choose your dreams?: 40
100 Sunday School teachers: Are a call girl and her caller equally guilty in the eyes of God?: 99
100 single women trying to lose weight on a diet: If men completely vanished from the earth, would you stop dieting?: 31
100 women: Have you ever called your married boyfriend and hung up when his wife answered?: 41
100 people who have been fired from their job: When your boss called you in to fire you, did you think he was calling you in to give you a raise?: 15
100 Japanese senior citizen men from a small town in Japan: If a wife gives a man only daughters and no sons, is it alright for him to divorce her?: 11
100 married women: Have you ever picked a fight with your husband just to keep him out of a romantic mood?: 28
100 people: Should children have the right to sue their parents if they felt they were not brought up right?: 06
100 3rd grade girls: Can you lie to your mom and get away with it?: 17
100 women wrestlers: Hace you ever used a scissors lock to get your own way?: 02
100 women: Do you have an outfit in your closet that went out of style so fast that you only got to wear it once?: 58
100 men: When you were younger, did you play Doctor with the girl next door?: 46
100 men in Mexico City: Can too much education ruin a good woman?: 28
100 inmates @ San Quentin: Did the violence portrayed on television influence you to commit your crime?: 51
100 single women: Have you ever thought, "This could be the start of something big," and he never called you back? 49
100 newlywed wives (<6 months) On your wedding night, did you make any unusual discoveries?: 13
100 people in 1980: This past year, has your income kept up with inflation?: 11
100 13 year old boys: Have you ever gotten dizzy trying to smoke one of your dad's cigars?: 05
100 single women: Have you ever looked at a blind date, and thought, "He's got a face only a mother could love"?: 51
100 men over 80 years old: If you a young man, would you drink, smoke and chase women?: 58
100 married Japanese women from a small city in Japan: If you husband were unfaithful, would you want him to confess?: 00
100 doctors: Have you ever worked at a hospital you'd be afraid of going to as a patient?: 32
100 people: If a mother discovers her 16 year old taking birth control pills, should she take them away?: 16
100 third graders: How many knew that Dumbo was an elephant?: 84
100 women business executives: If you were hiring for a position below you, and your husband were the most qualified for the job, would you hire him?: 29
100 inmates @ San Quentin: When you watch police TV shows, do you root for the robbers instead of the cops?: 81
Out of 100 university employees, how many think that students are smarter than their professors? 61 Out of 100 football fans, how many say that the Super Bowl has gotten way too commercial? 82 Out of 100 women, how many would want to marry a multi-millionaire a la the recent Fox special? 38 On a recent episode of "Card Sharks," 100 second graders were asked if they knew how many legs were on an octopus. We took this question to 100 people who can remember their second grade days. How many remembered that the correct answer was 8? 85 ESTIMATED GUESS: If you were to buy a 100MB zip disc for a Mac, then reformat it for use with a PC, how many MB could you use? 95MB Our numbered hooligans found 100 people and asked them if they would show them the contents of their shopping bags. How many willingly showed our men on the street their contents? 63 We asked 100 married men, "If you knew what you were getting into when you married your wife, would you still have married her?" How many said yes? 72 We asked 100 people, "As kids, did you have an underlying fear of the 'monster under the bed?'" How many adults said yes? 47 It's back-to-school time here in Fayetteville. So we asked 100 grade schoolers if they looked forward to going back to school. How many said yes? 47 We showed a newspaper article on hip-hop fashion and its place in mainstream society to 100 people, and asked them if the newspaper should've printed something like that. How many said yes? 39 How many 7 year olds could identify a CD from looking at it? 83 100 people: Do you think people criticize the government too much? 36

100 recent fathers: Do you get jealous from the time your wife spends with the baby? 20

100 people: Have you ever turned off the TV because the program you're watching is just too racy? 56

100 bachelors: When you get married, will you expect your wife to work? 73

100 doctors: Can a person become ill from the stress of getting divorced? 99

100 inmates: As far as you know, do any of your fellow inmates have a gun with them in jail? 21

100 single women: Before you go out with a man for the first time, do you decide how far you'll let him go? 58

100 Russian immigrants: If the US stopped making nuclear weapons, would the USSR stop also? 15

100 bachelors: Have you ever been fixed up with a real loser? 27

100 women who are opposed to the women's liberation movement: Should a wife put her husband's happiness before her own? 57

100 first graders: Do you have a secret hiding place that even your parents don't know about? 84

100 policemen: Do men stay calmer than women in an emergency? 80

How many congressmen said there is too much violence on TV? 62

100 bachelors: Have you ever dated a woman older than your mother? 9