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SoMe Of HiS AcHiEvEmEnTs

1998 World Championships - two gold medals for 400m freestyle and 4x200m relay.

1998 Australian Swimming championships - two gold medals for 400m and 200m freestyle (new Commonwealth record)

1998 Commonwealth games - four gold medals in 200m and 400m freestyle and two relays (including world-record breaking 4x200m relay)

1999 Pan Pacific Swimming Championships - four gold medals for 200m and 400m freestyle (broke both world records), 4x200m relay (broke world record) and 4x100m relay.

Ian was named Swimmer Of The Year by Swimming World magazine.

Ian was named Male Swimmer of the Pan Pacs meet and when he became the first swimmer to break a record in the Sydney International Aquatic Centre, he donated his $25,000 prize money to charity