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SOME WORDS ABOUT US                                

1950 - 1960
In 1950 cames to Greece a man from the island of Imvros,he carying with him an old art,the art of candle making which roots are placed in the gold period of Byzantine years.He started his own business in a small laboratory and very soon due to the good quality of wax he transfers it to another even larger.


1960 - 1999
The art of candle making is being transmitted from Imbrios to Mr Athanasiadis who extends the businees by creating an even larger laboratory and by being famous for the high quality of his products,and his good work.For about 40 years he produces and sends candles to the whole Macedonia
Today,having in mind such a great history,we have created "Imvros" company named as a tribute to the Imbrios.In our new fully equieped establisments in the industrial Park of Kaloxori Thessaloniki and with the quidance and the experience of our predecessor Mr Athanasiadis , we produce candles of best quality and in remakable prices.We are knows for three things.Our high quality,good prices and exceptional professionalism


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