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The World Wide Web is about people-it is not about computers! Part 1 Orientation
Go to the Main Page click here To send me e.mailclick here Never Let your questions go unanswered! There are many modes of communication. I am not responsible for the links from this page nor for content of linked pages. |
Part 1 Orientation The Main Menu
is important to define personal interests and goals. What do YOU want to
do on
web? What will be the topic and purpose of your web page? How will
you reach
web? What computer tools and materials will you require?
Defining Personal Interests | Reaching the Internet | Essential Tools |
The Peasant's WWW | Assignments | Record keeping |
Please do not
let your questions go unanswered!
here for communication tools.
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of the main course page click
To send me
e.mail please
click here
Personal Interests
The technology of the
web is designed to process and store information. It is important to know
what you are looking for. Additionally you need to know
For example if you
are interested in a car- for example- a 1966 Pontiac Catalina.
The web will relate to your favorite car upon as many such dimensions as you can think up. As you think up these dimensions you will develop a list of key words. Write these down. Leave plenty of space for adding new ones. You will now be able
to find the relevant communities on the web who relate to
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page click here
the Internet
Since the World Wide
Web is on the Internet you will have to know something about getting there.
Actually the web is only one dimension of the Internet, however, in order
How will you plug in to the internet? Before we begin it is important to know how you will use
the internet.
Each computer location will have its own programs,
settings and procedures. Take
Be sure to write down step by step procedures. A flip
file of 3x5 cards held together
While I can provide some guidance concerning some popular
internet software there
Computer Users Basic Preparations
To return to the top of this page click here Home Computer Users-Basic preparations: Programs you should know how to operate and information you should have written down for quick reference if you are using a home computer are -Information:
Programs You should know how to turn on, change the settings of and operate the following programs- -Your Operating System (Windows...or other)
Take a moment to look over things so that you will know
what to do when the time comes.
To Return to the top of this section click here Using the free Non-graphical
Terminal Sailor
Even if you plan to pay for an internet
account it is most useful to
1 Locate the communications program
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page click here
The Communications Program
In your settings for your particular
communication program you will find
Open Hyper Term and Click on Hyperterm
Icon to create a new connection. Note that
Under Phone Number
Click on Phone Number/Configure
Clicking on Advanced
Under Settings
Under Accii Settings
For help with configuration
or other Sailor Questions call the Sailor Help Desk at:
Now that you are set up lets dial
in- be sure to save your settings!
If you already have
graphical web access you can go to Sailor:
Dialing In to Sailor!-direct
from home- Note you will not start up your commercial account access.
11. For the purposes of today's lesson practice using the menu items. 12. To go to another web page type
the letter g you will notice a small screen (or the words enter
13. Go to my Irish Studies Web pages-
14. When you are done use your left arrow key to go back to Sailor and back to the top of sailor. 15. To leave sailor type in
enter then when asked type y for yes and enter. Then
16. Hang up your communication
program, save its settings if necessary (generally only first
17. For help with configuration or
other Sailor Questions call the Sailor Help Desk at:
To go back to the top of
this section click here
When you connect to sailor via your home dial up/communications
program or via telnet you will be using a non graphical browser. The only
difference between this browser and Netscape and the other browsers is
that it has no images. It does have certain commands which you can use
BASIC COMMAND KEYS Down Arrow . . . . . Mover
cursor to next topic (page)
Return, Enter . . . . . Display selected
topic (page)
m . . . . . Return to Sailor Home Page
g . . . . . Go to a user specified URL
To go back to the top of
this section click here
Selecting a Browser
for Graphical Access
Whatever browser you select you should get to know all of its settings and options. Here are a few places to go for evaluations of browsers.
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Peasant's WWW
Consider for a moment
how you will relate to the Internet.
When we search the
Internet we must not restrict ourselves to the search engines which all
lag several months behind in their indexing of the web.
I hope you will enjoy the World Wide Web and the Internet as your new village. A dimension of life....
How do you do this?
The Internet is not about computers it is about people. It is not a dusty book or a carnival it is a home and a place to live. To the top of this page click here |
In order to access the bells and whistles on the web you will need a few essential programs. These programs read information and transform it into sounds and images. Your web browser will let you know when there is someting on the web page you whish to read that it can not process. It will then let you know that you must get a helper program and will direct you to the appropriate page for download. You will need some basic programs to process popular informaiton formats. Two such formats are real audio and shockwave. These two formats are used to write web pages and sound files. You will also need a program for connectivity- Telnet. This program is generally installed with your operating system in the windows directory, but if it is missing you will have to install it. Click here for one. The general rule of thumb for helper applications is to find out which ones crop up often in your travels on the web. Those are the ones you will need to download and install. The internet peasant who is interested in mobility and independence from his or her home computer will require a few more programs. These should be able to be loaded as installed on a floppy disk. They should be loaded uninstalled onto another floppy disk . I list these below. Word Processor/Text
Editor- Many public terminals do not have word processors installed.
You need a word processor to write and edit web page files.When using netscape
tell netscape to use the programm to view source. Go
to options then to general preferences then to apps and then select the
slot for view source broows the drives to the a. drive or wherever the
.exe program for the editor is and save settings- using ok..
FTP Program-
You will need a ftp program to transfer files between computers. Web page
files will have to be sent to the
Telnet- You
will need a telnet program to contact and operate other computers. (check
first to see if this program is in the windows directory. You will have
to tell netscape or your browser where the program is.Put thetelnet
disk into the a drive after you have completed your editing with the word
processor. Go to the main tool bar of netscape select options, then general
preferences and then apps. Record the information- address in the telnet
app slot slot (you will have to replace this when you are done) and
browse the a drive next to the telnet app slot. Your telnet program will
load each time you enter telnet: into the netscape window and hit enter.
Web Page Editor-
A web page editor streamlines the process of creating and editing web pages.
As soon as I locate one which will fit installed on a floppy disk I will
link it here.
What to do with these programs... 1. They should be available as installed on floppy disk and uninstalled on floppy disk. 2.You will need to tell your browser where they are in the preferences.(see above) 3.You may have to install the programs on the host computer. In which case you will have the browser open the file. Simply open file menu and select view in browser. The program will then install and run. 4. If possible remove your progreams and settings from the host computer. Record all changes so you can change them back. Often simply shutting down netscape and re starting it will erase and re install settings. To return to the top of this page click here |
As a resident of the
Internet vilage you will have the task of a census official.
You will have to record
the names, addresses and web page locations of all who
you meet.
The best way to do
this is to create categories related to topics of interest.
You will have
to know why you need to know who these people are and
where they can be
located. In a sturdy bound book assign a few blank pages
to each sub category
of your interests. Title them and record in them the addresses.
Carefully note the
significance of each and relationship to your interest.
What addresses are
First of all there
are web page addresses. You can temporarily record these in
the favorites or bookmakrs
section of your browser but you will need to record
them on paper as well.
Browsers have a habit of dissapearing sometimes without
are more important. Behind each web page there is at least one
person. Their e.mail
address is generally located at the end of each page. You are never
finished extracting
information from a web page until you have contacted the author
and asked about
additional materials. The person may be able to give you some
important leeds connecting
you with additional web pages or communities. Web pages
also have a habit
of dissapearing. You can contacnt the author to obtain the information
or a forwarding address
for the missing pages.
Unsenet news groups
have addresses. Search for the relevant news groups and record
the addresses on paper.
The addresses of e.mail
lists are very important. They are essential if you want to remove
yourself from the
list or send messages to the list. Record these addresses most carefully
if possible make a
paper copy of the welcome message.
Recording addresses
assists you in being able to keep talking. You should tour your collection
of web pages regularly
to see any changes. You should also regularly communicate with your
e.mail contacts. Be
a conversational and friendly and helpful member of the villiage.
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1. Take time to wander
around the Internet. It gets easier and easier the more you use it.
2. Download the tools
programs onto floppys-get ready to travel!
3. Define your interests
and set up a bound book in which to record addresses.
4. Practice reaching
the internet from all the local terminals and from home by using
the free dial up mode of going to sailor. Once you can use all available
you will be free from the miseries caused by computer and server failure.
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