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October 25, 2000

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*Synopsis: While in the holodeck, Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres find Crewman Tabor unconscious. Tuvok is sent to investigate. More people are found unconscious and Tuvok discovers that they are all Maquis. Tuvok, unknowingly, attacks Chakotay and later, turns himself in. It is found out that Tuvok was probed some years before joining Voyager. He sends a message to other Maquis and they turn against the crew of Voyager. While talking to Chakotay, Tuvok performs a mind meld that brings him back to normal. Eventually, the rest of the Voyager crewmembers return to normal, and Tuvok joins Janeway and the others at the movies.

Webmistress's thoughts:
I thought this was a pretty good episode. A mutiny is usually entertaining. It was great developing Tom & B'Elanna's marriage relationship further with the theatre scene. They all played good roles. One thing bothered me though, doesn't a Vulcan have better emotional control than that? He wasn't practicing any Vulcan rituals, he was just crouched in the corner like a baby.

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* The synopsis was taken from the Official Star Trek website and UPN. They are used only for background understanding purposes.