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45 sites listed...

Find sites that are dedicated to the actors / characters who are involved with the next generation. These sites have already been listed on the TNG general page, but are broken down here into the particular actors they are about. Look up a next generation romantic pair.

Jonathan del Arco Hugh Borg
  1. hugh borg: jonathan del arco

John DeLancie Q
  1. john de lancie tribute page
  2. Q continuum
  3. Q fan fiction library
  4. Q's star trek page

Michael Dorn Work
  1. commander worf
  2. worf's star trek page

Michelle Forbes Ro Laren
  1. CJ tassilo michelle forbes home page

Johnathan Frakees William Riker
  1. the jonathan frakes appreciation society
  2. planet riker
  3. t riker's trek connection
  4. will riker star trek page

Gates McFadden Beverly Crusher
  1. bevheads
  2. the gates mcfadden files
  3. gates mcfadden picture page
  4. gates of splendor
  5. heavenly gates

Colm Meaney Miles O'Brien
  1. colm meaney's virtual irish pub

Marina Sirtis Deanna Troi
  1. deanna's homepage
  2. international marina sirtis fan council

Brent Spiner Data
  1. annedroidz's brent page
  2. brent's dedicated fan troupe (BDFT)
  3. brent spiner
  4. brent spiner central
  5. brent spiner info page
  6. the brent spiner magazine
  7. brent spiner page
  8. data's domain
  9. data's page of trek
  10. julie's homage to brent
  11. ode to spot
  12. redblaze's brently page
  13. salute to spiner
  14. spiner's domain
  15. spot's ode to data
  16. welcome, brent spiner fans!

Patrick Stewart Jean-Luc Picard
  1. captain peckard's world of star trek
  2. locutus of borg's star trek: the next generation page
  3. the patrick stewart page
  4. patrick stewart tribute page
  5. picard's homepage
  6. picard rules
  7. star trek - patrick stewart

Wil Wheaton Wesley Crusher
  1. cinnae's wil wheaton fan page
  2. wil wheaton photo collection