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Idea for a tribute to Star Trek in the last episode

Written by: mijnsbergen

Past: Enterprise NCC1701-A is to be destroyed with other dicommisioned starships in a test with a new federation weapon. Kirk and party want to prevent the ship from being destroyed & to preserve it for next generations.

The Enterprise-A went into warp (Scotty's action)before the implossion happened and nobody discovered it. The ship cloaked and waited for a signal to come back.

Startrek NCC 1701-D: Picard helped Scotty to go his way by giving him a shuttle. (relics episode) Scotty went to the enterprise A after getting some supplies at DS9 first. After a distress call from Voyager, Scotty with some help with androids, looked for Voyager.

Now: Voyager is damaged badly and is circling round a planet like Earth after assisting the planet being destroyed by aliens. The Enterprise A is sent to the rescue and both ships fought to preserve planet and crew.

The Enterprise A had to do landing on surface of the planet and is becoming the symbol of independance. Nice End. The Enterprise A is still playing a crucial role and Voyager set its way to the alpha quadrant.

I think this is a good tribute to Star Trek and Rodenberry. You can use all living Star Trek actors.

Give me your thoughts.