Final Episode
Written by: RJ
Email: TacBoi@hotmail.com
Hey, I really liked what you had to say about the Final episode of Voyager. I concur with most of your views. But I would like to offer a view on 2 subjects.
Harry Kim: IT IS ABOUT TIME!!!!
If you consider the fact that Voyager was stuck in the Gamma Quadrant for 7 years before the appereances of Adm. Janeway, then it took another 16 years to get home, plus the 10 year anniversary That is a total of 33 years. Harry, and any other Starfleet personnel for that matter, served the time and performed the duties at command level. Besides, Tom Paris was promoted to Lt, demoted to Ensign, and promoted back to Lt. In the end Kim made Captian. Good for him.
Second about the whole Borg Queen thing, I too have questions about that, but Remember in First Contact when Picard mentioned that that cube was destroyed she mentioned on how '3-demenisional' he was thinking...So maybe the Borg are able to operate on more the the 3-D reality that limits humans.